Becoming an adventurer

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I had already decided how I'll do this. Restricting myself to only wind spell and holding back just enough to make it into C class. I didn't want to gain unnecessary attention by making it to B class, or A for that matter.

Standing in front of the conjurer examiner I gave a polite bow.

"Since we don't have any information about you, it seems like you're testing under special conditions. Let us begin!" She said.

Pointing towards the ground I released a powerful gust of wind, covering the area in dust. A mini tornado formed under my feet making it look like I was flying.

Once high enough I willed a wind construct, a bow to be exact, into existence. Pulling the string back an arrow materialized. This arrow was far from being a normal one, because instead of one arrow head it had dozens. Once I released it those dozens of arrow heads split and so did the shaft, raining masses of wind that would normally sharp enough to cut through solid rock. But as I said I was holding back, so these arrows only made indents, not one cutting through the multitude of rocks she had conjured. 

With a wave of her hand all of those fragments of earth shot towards me. 

To deflect it I tried something I had not tested yet.

I shouted.

But not any normal shout no, this shout carried with itself gusts of wind.
(Fus Roh Dah vibes anyone?)

Fortunately I managed to get most of the projectiles. Keyword being most. One shard managed to get through. It whistled right past my face, grazing my cheek and drawing blood. 

Was she trying to kill me? That was wicked sharp. If I didn't have a trick right now I would've been severely injured.

Amidst all this I never did manage to realize I had lost my concentration, and with it my control over the tornado keeping me afloat. 

So imagine my surprise when I suddenly start plummeting towards the ground, which just recently seemed so far away yet so close now.


I need to do something fast!

Think Fay think!

 Forming another wind platform wont work, It will take too much time.

Only thing I can do is use [Stygian Rift]

But an instant before I activated my acquire phase something caught my torso and held me upside down.

Looking down....err....up I see that an earthen hand is holding me, much like it held Lucas.

After that it promptly dropped me. Thankfully the ground was close enough to not cause any form of damage.

"Your creativity in conjuring constructs and ability to do chant less magic would normally put you in A class. But due to the lack of control, displayed by your fall, and low amount of mana puts you at C class. You have a great future Mr. Bolt, be sure not to waste it" She announced my result.

Giving her a nod I make my way upwards, only to meet with Arthur on the way since his name was called. 

As he was passing by me he halted, "You were holding back weren't you,"

It wasn't a question, just a fact.

"Perhaps," was my only reply as I walked to my seat.

"You did good," I hear Jasmine say.

"Thank you,"

The black haired examiner changed places with the other one, "It seems like you're testing under special conditions as well seeing there is no information about you either."

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