The day before it all began.

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The Helsteas and my family held a small party, which resulted in Vincent drinking a bit too much and getting wasted.

Zeke had comeback during the party, and now was chilling in my shadow.

Tessia, meanwhile, had slipped away with Mother to 'get some fresh air' as they put it.

"If you keep getting drunk every time I come home, I'm just going to stay at school." Lilia whines at her fathers intoxicated state.

"Nooo, you're being a meaniepoo~" He weakly replies.

"Meaniepoo? What are you, five?" I mutter.

Well he is drunk.

Being drunk doesn't make one a child you know.

Apparently it does for him.

Guess so.

"Your Father might actually cry if you stop visiting. He's already half regretting sending you to Xyrus Academy." Tabitha said as she and Arthur set Vincent down on the couch.

Steam comes out of Lilia's ears as she turns bright red, "Do you know how embarrassed I was while he told all of those stories?"

"In front of the student council president no less!" She said as she smashed his face with the pillow he was resting on.

Before she looked up, "Where did she go anyways?"

"She went out with Mom to 'get some fresh air' " I reply.

"Oh, I see." She replies.

Meanwhile Father comes to us with a sleeping, and drooling, Ellie in his arms.

"Are you going to take her up to her room?" Arthur asks.

"I think the big brother should do it." He said, placing Ellie on Arthurs arms.

"That reminds me, which one of us was born before?" I pointed towards me and Arthur.

"It was Art, by a few minutes." He replied.

"Aw man, and here I thought I was the older one." I whine.

"We're twins Fayden, it doesn't matter who was born first." Arthur said.

"Fair enough." I move towards him, placing an arm over his shoulder.

Before entering first phase and Void stepping into her room.

Leaving Dad stupefied, with his jaw hung open.

"Right, so my son can apparently teleport now." He mutters.

Setting Ellie down on the bed, Arthur was about to cover her with the blanket when she stirred.

"Oh, you're awake?" Arthur spoke.

"What time is it?" Ellie asked as she rubbed her eyes.

"It's still night," I reply for Arthur.

"When are you two leaving?" She asks.

"Tomorrow morning." Arthur replied.

"Why can't you stay any longer." She pleads.

"Sorry Ellie, we can't. We'll be back for a week after the trip though, so we can spend time together most of it since I promised to meet up with Kathyln after the trip." I said.

"So you're going on a date?"

I feel my face heat up slightly as blood tries to rush there, "Not really but I guess you could say that."

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