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The lightning crackled around my brother and covered him in a golden shroud while his auburn hair stood on end.

"What the..." My Father faltered, too shocked by this sudden advancement. Using the moment to his advantage Arthur dashed behind him leaving charred land in his wake and executed a lightning-infused hook.

A loud explosion followed a clash of fists causing my father to be blown back.

After gaining his bearings and staring down at my brother for a few seconds he lunged at him with incredible speeds and performed several precise jabs. Which were each evaded by him with minimal movement. The fire and lightning mixing together as he kept dodging the blows which were becoming more precise by the second.

But suddenly his jabs started to become more dull and sloppy. Seems like the electricity was doing its job of numbing his arms.

Ducking under a particularly sloppy swing he went for an uppercut, but before he could strike Father placed his knee under his jaw putting them into a stalemate.

Father clasping Arthur's shoulder with his hand and eliciting a surprised yelp dissipated the tension.

Arthur dispersed his electricity allowing Father to pick him up.

I guess the toll was too much because as soon as Dad put him back down he collapsed again.

"...surprise," he said waving his arms up and laughing weakly.

"D-Deviant!" Vincent broke the silence.

"My God..." Tabitha sighed, astonished at what just transpired.

"So, when did you learn that little trick." My Father asked, more curious than bewildered.

"Quite recently actually. I can barely maintain it though." He admitted grinning sheepishly.

"What about you Fay? Care to show us what you learned?" Dad said looking towards me

"Sure you don't want to take a break?" I ask with a smirk framing my face.

"Nah your old man has some more juice in him."

"Fine by me," I said as I replaced Arthur in the backyard.....the now ruined backyard.

My father got into the same stance as before.

"How about we forego all that? You see I'm a conjurer unlike you and Art, so I don't have many defensive tricks although I do know hand to hand combat."

"Alright then. I would tell you to be careful but upon seeing what Art was capable of you should be at a similar level or higher." He said as he ignited his fists.

"Ready," He asks.

"Let's go!" I reply as I conjured Twin swords of pure lightning.

He rushed towards me with the same speed he used against Art, but I still had enough time to perform a few swings and send multiple arcs of lightning his way, forcing him to dodge and slow down.

[Thunder arc]

This gave me enough time to create some distance between us and prepare mana for more spell casting. Unfortunately, those few arcs drained my swords and had them dissipate. I still need to work on that.

I conjured a bigger than average [Fire Ball] in one hand and a [Thunder Bolt] in the other and bring them together to form an amalgamation of scarlet and yellow before shooting it at Dad.

(Like final flash but smaller)

"Shit!" I heard him curse as he desperately looked for a way to avoid it but only managed to evade a portion of it while the rest assaulted him head-on.

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