Burden of knowledge

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As the two of us arrive at the beast glades we startle the guard pretty badly as he stumbles and almost falls.

After confirming that it was indeed us, he hastily made a few calls.

Seems like he was told to report in if he sees us.

Going through the gate we arrive in Xyrus to find a driver already waiting for us.

Tipping his hat he opened the door.

During the ride neither of us spoke.

A heavy burden had been placed on our shoulders.

I will keep my friends and family safe.

I will not let what transpired in my previous life happen again.

I will not go down that path again.

I have power in this world, true power.

And I have a valuable ally and brother.

That's when I decided that I would call out to Noctis tonight.

The carriage stopped as we reached the manor.

Getting out we walk towards the door.

Arthur goes to knock, but hesitates. 

His face contained an expression full of grief.

I place an arm over his shoulder, "Arthur, they will understand."

"Will they?" His voice cracks slightly.

"Yes, they know as well as us that dungeons can be unpredictable." I replied

"This is the second time something like this has happened Fayden." He turned back to face me.

"Look we're gonna need to face them anyways, might as well get it over with." I felt guilty as well, but I'd rather take this head on other than waiting and let it fester and grow.

He sighs, "I know," before sitting down on the stairs, "Just...let me be here for a while."

"Very well." I sit down beside him, gazing at the night sky along with him, before noticing a white blur by the corner of my eyes.

But before I could even react to it, my fathers voice reaches my ear, "Art? Fay?"

I remain silent, and Arthur speaks up.

"Hey dad, we're back."

"Why didn't you two enter? We heard about your arrival from the teleportation gatekeeper."

He sits down in between us.

"He is feeling extremely guilty about the whole thing. Of course I'm not much different." I point at my brother, who doesn't respond.

Father glances at the two of us before settling his gaze to the pavement, "Your mother will be fine."

"I worried you guys again..." 

Father looks up, gazing at the faintly colored sky, "She really loves the Aurora Constellate you know? No matter what it may seem like, she's strong, stronger than me. Worries aren't the only thing you have given us, far from it. The three of you have given us so much more than that, you must realize that. Sure we worry about you two way more than the average parent but, neither of you are normal children. Hell you never were. I have no idea about your destiny, about what you two may face in the future but, I know that you both will be able to handle it." He grins reassuringly.

"You're not a burden to us, you never were. We will always be there for you guys. Never think you are not welcome home, in fact as long as you have both of your legs I expect  both of you to come back and let us love you. That is our right as your parents okay?"

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