The Wall

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"How did it go?"

"Not good, not good at all," I replied, walking alongside Zeke, who was in his humanoid form.

Zeke sighed, "I shouldn't have left."

I nodded in agreement, "You probably would have kept me from messing up too bad. Let's not dwell on it anymore, what's done is done."

"You'll need to have another talk with your Father,"

I sighed, "I know, I will. But not now, not until we cool down a bit."

And what better way to cool down than massacring mana beasts and Alacryans?

In the next few days, I had not returned to the castle, rather staying near the wall and aiding them whenever the stronger beasts came. But I was still surprised when a small horde of corrupted beasts, maybe a thousand of them, suddenly attacked.

'Some reinforcements would be really helpful right about now.'

I'm sure someone has sent news of this to the castle, they'll be here soon enough.

[I'd recommend you to stop holding back, you have a spell suitable for this.]

I suppose you have a point.

"Do you need help from me?" Zeke asked, knowing what was coming.

"I think I'll be fine, but stay alert just in case," I answered and Zeke nodded in reply.

Taking a deep breath in, I inched closer to the edge of the wall. A nearby soldier caught note of this and spoke up.

"Sir Leywin?"

Without giving him an answer, I leaped down.


Stop screaming so much.

Red runes trailed over my body, as I underwent the transformation into Shadowsoul, utilizing the burst of nacht that it usually came with.

Nacht coated my body, growing significantly larger by the second, and rather than the featureless look, it was donning a pitch-black armor with intricate design over the shins, pauldrons, and chestplate.

I landed on the ground in a kneeling position, blowing all the nearby beasts away. smiling darkly, I stood up and twin swords of nacht materialized in my constructs arms. I cracked my neck, brandishing my swords at the beasts, who were slowly inching away out of fear.

[Fragmented Psyche]

My smile fell from my face, replaced with an impassive expression as I crouched down in a stance, activating thunderclap impulse on reflex, as black lightning surged down my exoskeleton's legs.

The ground underneath cracked and turned into dust, as I advanced forward, blood already spilling from the two large blades.


Third Person POV :

'Arthur, look down,' Sylvie, Arthur's bond, spoke to him mentally, making her surprise known.

Arthur looked down, and a flash of shock and recognition passed through his face.

"Is that Fayden?" He whispered, still shaken by what he saw.

Down below, a massive behemoth of black was fending off against the horde of corrupted mana beasts, easily cleaving through dozens in a single swipe. Their numbers had already thinned.

The massive figure wielded both swords with such mastery it seemed he was dancing rather than massacring beasts.

"Looks like our help was not needed." He noted, grateful that Ellie wouldn't have to fight.

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