Filth exists in all worlds

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A few more days passed without incident and we finally made it to the foot of the grand mountains, which were.......grand.

All the way the four of them kept trying to master the feint step, as I had nothing better to do I kept watching them try and fail. Jasmine was the first to do it and demonstrated it to Arthur, he just applauded at her. It was one of the basic moves Grey had taught me. Well what she doesn't know won't hurt her.

The rest weren't far behind on mastering it, so by the time we reached the foot of the mountains all of them had mastered and altered it to fit their fighting style

Next we had to ascend the mountain to reach the teleportation gate.

Whoever thought it was a good idea to make the teleportation gate atop a mountain.

The front carriage consisted of Durden who was holding the reins in the front, with father besides him to keep him company. This carriage was carrying our luggage.

Helen was currently seated on the top of the second carriage, the one I was riding in, scouting for any abnormalities. Angela sat in the back carriage with my mom, Arthur and me, while Adam walked behind us, keeping guard. While Jasmine steered the carriage, she kept staring back at Arthur as if wanting more techniques.

What is she five?

That reminds me Art and I turned four during our journey to the foot of the grand mountains. Mother surprised us by procuring a cake from....somewhere. When did she get the time to even make it? But hey I ain't complaining, I put a smile and thanked her. While the others simply gave us hugs(this time i made and exception and fell victim to the death hugs of Angela) or pats in the back Jasmine gave Arthur a short knife and showed me some tricks and advantages of dual wielding. Most of which I had already learned in my old life but hey its the thought that matters.

Along the way to the top of the mountains Arthur and I learned more about mana and its two manipulations. We were discussing about how useful forming a cloak of mana around ones body would be when suddenly Helen shouted.


I heard footsteps from our right and rear.

"Submit, O' wind and follow my will. I command and gather you around in protection. Wind Barrier!" instantly a gust of wind formed a tornado around Mother, Arthur, Angela and I. The tornado then shaped into a sphere around us.

Angela was busy concentrating on keeping the barrier from dissipating while arrows kept bombarding it.

Within seconds the tarp covering the carriage was torn away and I got a better view of how screwed we were.


There were at least 30 of those bastards, blocking our path forwards and backwards we were trapped.

The bandits on the ground wielded swords, spears and other close range weapons while the ones on the mountainside atop a cliff had bows aimed towards us firing arrow after arrow.

Most of the party seemed to be fine but Helen seemed quite pale, probably due to the arrow embedded in her right calf.

A bald man with a heavily scarred face and the body of a bear, carrying a giant battle axe, spoke out. "Look what we have here. Pretty good catch, boys. Leave only the girls and the kids alive. Try not to scar them too much. Damaged goods will only sell for less,"

How bout I damage your goods? Damage as in smash to a pulp

Now I haven't felt genuine anger in a long while, most of the fights I won and people I killed were simply orders nothing else. Often times the enemy tried to anger me so that I may lose concentration and become reckless, but it never got to me.

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