Authority over spells

432 19 1

The next part of my training consisted of magic combat.

Finally, I would be able to let loose a bit.

But I wonder who is going to mentor me on this....

I ponder on this as I make my way towards the edge of the city, where I was told I would meet my next teacher.

A few minutes later I arrive there, only to see a familiar figure waiting for me.

"Noctis? I'm assuming you're going to be in charge of my training this time." I spoke up.

"Hello Fayden. Yes, I am indeed your teacher this time." He answered.

"So, where will we do this? Down there?" I point below us.

Considering that we were at the edge, it was easy to deduce where we were going.

He simply nods, "Yes, but before that, tell me can you create constructs with Nacht?"

"Uh, Yeah?" Where is he going with this.

"Then I want you to form wings." As he said that, twin pitch black wings emerge from his shoulder blades.



I've only ever tried ice wings, even then for a very short while.

But I guess I can try.

I enter my integrate phase as my surrounding is painted black.

But not for long as I pull the inky blackness towards me, my back to be exact.

The nacht begins taking the shape of wings, much like Noctis'

The nacht begins taking the shape of wings, much like Noctis'

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(Kinda like this.)

A few moments later I had absorbed all of the nacht I had released and formed a pair of wings on my back.

I don't know if they will hold my weight though.

Was my last thought as I was literally teleported outside of the city, mid air.

"What the fuck Noctis!" I bellowed as I began plummeting.

Okay okay calm down, use the wings.

I try flapping the two constructs on my back in a vain attempt to fly.

Nothing happened, it didn't work.

So I decided upon gliding instead.

The wings stilled and stretched to their max as I stopped free falling.

"That was close." I said after taking a deep breath.

"Now, how do I get down?" I wonder out loud.

The image of a diving eagle came to my mind.

Let's try that then.

I bring the wings close to my body, streamlining myself as I began to fall in a controlled dive.

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