Creation of all things

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Fayden found it difficult to contain the sheer power within the swords frame. One slip could end up in devastating consequences.

[Come to think of it, you weren't this strong when we left the last world.]

'Maybe it's the godrune Arthur left me.'

[No, you've barely used it in this battle, it has to be something else.]

'Well I don't know, I'm a bit busy here.'

[Hmm, perhaps...]

Fayden ignored Phanes, holding up his sword at Alexander. Dark stormclouds amassed overhead, supercharged with mana and stasis. Fayden had a bad feeling about it. The rumbling of thunder shook the ground.

'Since when was lightning red?'

[Oh shit.]

Faydens eyes widened, and it began raining. But it was no simple rain, no, spells of varying intensities came pouring down, all homing in on Fayden. Water sharp enough to rend through anything, red lightning sundering the very space around it, iridescent icicles which commanded even time to stop around it.

Void stepping only helped him so much, his body still suffered critical injuries. Thankfully, his core resisted any spell that threatened it. His hold on the sword wavered. Instantly the spells stopped assaulting him, having been redirected to his sword where the incomprehensible heat vaporized them back to mana.

Without giving him a moment to rest, Alexander conjured up a literal blizzard, strong enough to freeze stars. But there were more more than a couple stars in Fayden's blade. And though the power in it dimmed, it was still very much capable of vaporizing everything in the galaxy.

Focusing on Alexander, Fayden slashed his sword through the air, the arc of compressed all consuming fire crossing the distance in an instant. Alexander moved, his stasis casting a field of stopped time around him.

But the arc burned through the cold, cutting into Alexander's side, imploding it into a mesh of flesh, bone and scales.

An inhuman scream filled the air, but he had already begun healing himself, albeit it was a lot slower this time. Fayden cursed under his breath, Alexander would keep healing everything he threw at him.

Fayden inhaled deeply, 'Phanes-'

[I know, leave it to me.]


Fayden switched with Phanes, the artificial soul taking over his body, his entire concentration on condensing the energy in his sword.

"Well, well, well, your mother slept around a bit, didn't she?"

Alexander stopped short, "I do not have a mother."

"Huh, it's usually the father who's missing, were you so ugly your own mom left you to die?"

"Motherfucker, I literally spawned in." Alexander deadpanned.

"Sure, whatever you say..." Phanes trailed off, his tone insinuating something else.

"You are different from the one I was fighting." Alexander noted, pointing tempestarii at him.

"Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!" He mocked, nacht moulding itself to form a gift box in his hand. "Here's your gift."

Alexander caught the box on reflex, immediately sealing it in a bubble of stasis.

Phanes slumped down, "I suppose it was too much to ask."

"Who are you?" He demanded, hurling the sphere away where it exploded bright enough to dwarf the sun. If one could see the planet from space, they'd see a chunk of it missing.

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