You reap what you sow

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"You! Devil!" the woman screamed as she caught sight of me and began backpedaling away.

She froze in her tracks when I unleashed my pressure, and the walls of the cell groaned from it.

"St-Stay away!"


I walked closer to her, my hand held out. Unable to move, she stood there shaking in her boots. As I reached grabbing distance, I clasped her hand in both of mine.

Mana flowed out of my core, heading towards my arms and taking the affinity of earth. As it reached my fingers, a brown glow surrounded them. And as my mana entered her hand, she cried out in pain as the bones in her hand were shattered to millions of pieces.

But that wasn't even the beginning. This time I sent wind mana in her body, as it swirled around in her arm. Her own bone fragments shredded through her flesh, yet none of them punctured the skin.

She let out an ear-splitting scream, trying to pull her arm away from me. I released her arm and she tumbled down to the floor. I squatted down, playing two fingers on either side of her temple as she whimpered from the pain.

I smiled mercilessly, sending thousands of volts of electricity through her brain.

"AAAAHHHH IT BURNSSSS!" she cried out in agony.

My smile never faltered, not even when her eyes rolled up her head.

"Oh no, I can't have you fall unconscious yet." I spoke as I slapped her across her face with a mana enhanced arm, waking her up.

She awoke with a gasp and immediately tried to crawl away from me. I entered my acquire phase, molding nacht over my hand in the shape of a wolf's snout. As I grabbed her hand, the good one, the wolf's fangs bit down into her skin and the first drops of blood were shed.

With a yank I ripped off her arm from her socket, spraying the room in red as she screamed out in such intensity that she ruptured her throat, visible from the blood trailing down her mouth. Grabbing her blond hair with my other hand I stared into her trembling eyes, smirking at the primal fear etched into them.

The nacht wolf on my arm dissolved into a gauntlet of nacht when I closed my fist, pulling my hand backward. My hand blurred — going at lightning-fast speed — and struck right at her solar plexus, shattering her ribcage and sending tendrils of nacht towards her core.

The tendrils wrapped around her core, constricting. Her eyes widened at what I was about to do, and she tried to speak. No sound came out, but I could make out the words as she begged and pleaded me to spare her.

"You should have thought of that before attacking my parents." I spat with a surprising amount of venom in my voice and tightened my fist even further.

And the tendrils crushed her core to hundreds of shards.

'That was a bit too brutal father...' Zeke said as we left the cell.

[Compared to what you did to the Wykes boy, this was mild.]

I ignored them, walking past a pale-faced Virion.

"Brat, remind me to never get on your bad side."

My lips twitched upward in a slight smile at that.


After that I spent the next few hours in my room meditating, some of the rage had remained and I needed time to calm down. Before coming here I asked Virion to have her patched up enough to keep her from dying and to release her.

'She's going to spread rumors about you, you know?'

'I know, I'm counting on it.'


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