21. Shopping Is A First

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As they left the Great Hall, Astra's head was spinning. She needed air. As everyone ventured off heading towards the stairs, probably to go up to the dorm, Astra headed out into the grounds.

Draco. Draco Malfoy. In what world would she and Draco be a good match? He was self-centred, egotistical and downright annoying. Wasn't he the one who told her she would end up alone? Wasn't he the one who said she wasn't worthy of love?

Holy crap this was happening?

"Astra?" She spun around to see the usual crowd standing watching her as if she was a time bomb about to explode. "You ok?" Maddi asked.

She was very aware that Draco was also watching her. She didn't want to offend him so she nodded. "Yes, sorry, just needed some air," she smiled. "So where is your first date?"

Maddi blushed as Blaise handed over the envelope containing the details. "A moonlit walk around the grounds with a surprise followed by private dinner in the Room Of Requirement? That sounds lovely." She smiled and handed the envelope back.

"It's tonight," Maddi squeaked in excitement.

"Ours too," Theo said gesturing between himself and Pansy. "We are going for a candlelit supper in Hogsmeade and then a shopping experience."

It sounded pretty perfect for Theo and Pansy, Astra thought.

"So what is yours?" Blaise asked, amusement dancing on his face. He thought this match was pretty perfect but he knew neither participant would agree so he was giddy with excitement to see how it would play out.

"We have a picnic and star gazing in the Astronomy Tower this evening," Draco huffed. The date sounded lovely to Astra but the company not so much.

"How romantic," Theo teased.

"It sounds pretty perfect for Astra, she is obsessed with stars," Maddi pointed out.

"How coincidental, Draco too," Blaise chuckled.

"Fuck off Blaise," Draco said shoving him.

"Just pointing out the obvious," Blaise shrugged.

"Anyway did you see how horrified Thomas and Finnegan were to be matched? Must be closeted gays." Theo smirked.

"So closeted that they didn't even know themselves?" Maddi asked confused.

Draco rolled his eyes. "Don't be an idiot Mackle, of course they knew! They just didn't want everyone else to know."


"Because they knew we would take the piss out of them for it?" Draco said sarcastically. "Why else?"

"I don't think any of us would, actually. Who cares if you are gay, straight or a little of both? So long as you're happy and you're not hurting anyone, you be who you want to be," Astra shrugged.

"Of course, you would say that," Draco scoffed.

"Yeah, I would," she retorted, still unsure as to how the heck they ended up paired.

"Why don't we head off to Hogsmeade for a few drinks?" Blaise asked, stopping a possible argument before it started.

"Sure," Pansy smiled looking at Theo who blushed and nodded.

And so the gang headed off down the school grounds and into Hogsmeade, deciding against taking carriages as it was a nice sunny day for October. Blaise and Maddi were busy in the lead, flirting and giggling like they were kids. Pansy was walking with Astra with Theo on her other side as Draco took up the rear lost in his own thoughts.

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