80. Abso-fucking-lutely

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Blaise was right, of course. The following morning, the Weasley's, Parkinson's, and Theo all headed home. Everyone was back at Astra's house as the events' planner was getting ready for the ball at Malfoy Manor.

It was a lovely, quiet morning. Remus and Sirius had already been up at the crack of dawn and left the marriage licence to the Ministry and watched as it was stamped and filed. Meaning Maddi was now officially Mrs Blaise Zabini.

The couple were planning a small honeymoon for three days to Rome, as Maddi had never been. They wanted to be back in plenty of time for the ball. They were enjoying a nice cup of tea as Draco and Astra snuggled on the sofa when the fireplace burst into life and a very green-faced and bad tempered Mrs Zabini stepped out.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE YOU FUCKING IDIOT?" She screamed so loud that she woke Teddy in the other room.

"Ah, good morning mother," Blaise said from where he sat on the sofa, with Maddi on his knee. "I take it you heard about your amazing Christmas surprise?"

"Please tell me you did not actually degrade yourself by wedding this lowlife little bitch?" She snapped pointing to Maddi.

Blaise lifted Maddi off his knee as he rose. Sirius and Severus rose too just in case as Remus went off to Teddy. "You will NOT speak to my wife like that," Blaise growled.

"So it's true? You are actually married?" She gasped.

"Yes. I was planning on it anyway sooner or later and when you decided to dish out your little ultimatum, Astra came up with the genius idea to get wed sooner so that you cannot force me into a marriage I don't want." He puffed out his chest as Mrs Zabini shot Astra as nasty look. Draco lifted her too and set both girls behind him barricading them just in case.

"And you have filed this and sent it to the Ministry?" She asked annoyed. she tapped her fingers impatiently against her arms.

"I personally delivered it this morning and watched as it was legalised, stamped and entered into the Ministry records. Maddi's name had been changed to Mrs Maddi Zabini." Sirius explained.

"And I have had the accounts in Gringotts changed too into mine and Maddi's names. Only our names." Blaise said, smirking.

Mrs Zabini choked. "Blaise, you wouldn't. You couldn't. That was my money too." She looked like she might cry.

"It was all left to me. You have spent enough over the past few years without me being able to stop you. Sending me to France for the summer or to Italy. At least now I know why. As my guardian, she had parental control over the business and my fortune and she could stay in the Manor for free.  But now I am of age and I am in control, and I have taken it all back." He looked down at his mother waiting for her to lash out.

"Do you have any idea what you have done? We had your marriage to Belina all planned. She is at home waiting for you heartbroken by your betrayal. Her family and I had it all arranged. She had paid her downry to me, and the transaction was almost complete. How could you be so selfish?"

"Funny, I was wondering the same thing about you," Astra glared. " The transaction? Blaise cannot be bought. He is not a bloody ornament in your house! He is your son!"

"You!" She bellowed, turning on Astra. "This is all your fault! Look what you have done. You turned me into an ugly beast. It's going to take months of potions and charms to turn me beautiful again as I have no idea what spell you fucking used. And what's more...you have stolen my money and home from me!" She lifted her hand to slap Astra only for Harry to jump in front of her and Draco to grab the lady's hand.

He growled. Anger bubbling inside him. "If you ever touch even a hair on my future wife's head, I promise you I will bury you alive so deep that not even the maggots will be able to reach you." He threw her hand back with quite a bit of force. The woman was knocked back but not off her feet. "Now I suggest you pick up your dignity, or whatever is left of it and you get the fuck out of our home. Go to Zabini Manor and pack your bags. Then get the fuck out of Blaise and Maddi's house. Do us all a favour and get out of the UK altogether."

As It Was *Complete*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat