6. Save Me

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Astra left the house that night with nowhere to go. She had no money and no place to stay, but she had made up her mind. She definitely didn't see this coming. She was unwanted by her mother and given up by her father.

Once again, she was alone.

She walked down the garden path, having put a sticking charm on the front and back doors from the outside, so none of the men would follow her. She didn't want to have a screaming match in the street, but she would if needs be.

She was about to head off down the country lane when she bumped into someone. "Oh, I am sorry," she said, sniffing and wiping her tears.


She looked up to see Professor McGonagall standing over her. "I was just coming to see you."

"Well, it's a good thing you caught me before I left," Astra said. She could hear the front door of Remus' cottage banging. She began shaking in fear. She didn't want to face them anymore. "Professor, I have had... a crazy night, and I can't stay here for another second. They will eventually get that charm off and the shield down and will come after me, but I do not want to hear their excuses. I am sorry, but I need to go -"

"Go where?" Mc McGonagall asked.

"Anywhere but here," she said, looking back. "Please, I need to leave."

"Come with me, Astra," McGonagall smiled, taking her arm, and the two ladies apparated. When Astra opened her eyes, she was in Hogwarts entrance hall with the Professor.

"Thank you, Professor," Astra said as she began to cry again. "I cannot thank you enough."

"My dear child, what on earth is going on that has you so upset?"

Astra sniffed. "I...well..." she sniffed again, getting herself worked up, tears pouring down her cheeks. Professor McGonagall walked her over to the steps and helped her sit down. "I am sorry," Astra cried harder.

"Nonsense," Professor McGonagall said. "Do you think you can tell me what happened?"

Astra shook her head. "Do you know legilimency?" she asked. Minerva McGonagall nodded. "Can't you just look for yourself?"

"Are you sure?" The Headmistress asked. It was a very invasive spell. One she never liked to use.

"Please, Professor," Astra cried again.

Professor McGonagall nodded, and for a few moments, there was quiet as the teacher rewatched the whole scene from the evening unfold in front of her. When she finished, she sighed heavily. "Astra, I am sorry that you went through this. I assure you I had no idea. You are Severus and Lily's child? It's crazy. And I am astonished that James Potter would do that. I am sorry for what this meant for your childhood."

"Thank you, Professor." She sniffed, finally calming down enough to be able to talk.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back and speak to them? I know what they asked of you is cruel, but I wonder if there was a reason?" She asked as she rubbed Astra's back.

"I can't. They were not interested in me. They wanted to make sure that Harry was kept in the dark. Once again, Harry is the first choice." She gave a laugh. "Not that I can blame them. Harry is great and I am...well me."

"I think you are an incredible child," Professor McGonagall said, pulling the girl's chin-up to look at her. "You are strong, and you care about everyone. You may not like it, but you are quite like your mother."

"I always wanted someone to tell me that. But now? Well, considering she cast me away... I don't think I want to hear it anymore." She stood up. "I am sorry for falling apart on you, Professor, and bothering you with all this."

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