90. Countdown

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"Apologies folks," Astra smiled at the crowd. "It seems not everyone is happy about Draco and I's engagement."

"Girl is crazy!" Someone shouted. Astra thought it was George Weasley.

"She is not crazy. She just was desperate and wanted to try to hurt the love of my life and I wasn't going to let that happen," Astra smiled. "But tonight was for celebrating, not fighting. So let's all go dance." She took Draco's hand and lead him to the dance floor as another song started.

"You handled that wonderfully," Draco said. "You never once raised your voice or said anything malicious. You were brilliant Astra."

She shrugged. "I knew that she was just saying that to try to embarrass or upset me so I didn't let her. I know why you asked me to marry you and I know why I said yes. It's no one else's business. I love you Draco and I told you I wouldn't do anything to embarrass you."

"You made me proud," he hugged her.

"Alright stop hogging my sister," Harry pouted. "It's my turn to dance with her."

"And it's time I danced with someone who knew what they were doing," Ginny giggled as Draco spun Astra into Harry's arms and took Ginny into his own, leaning back to kiss Astra before twirling Ginny around the floor.

"I am not a bad dancer," Harry pouted.

"Well, prove it, Mr Potter. Let's go!" Astra smiled as they took off. To be fair to him, he wasn't actually bad at all. Maybe not as elegant as Draco but he was better than most.

"I am so delighted for you Astra. You deserve all the happiness in the world. You deserve someone to sweep you off your feet. And I know Draco will look after you and do everything he can to make you happy. As your brother I couldn't ask for more than that."

"I really am happy. I love him," she beamed. "And what about you?" Harry's head tilted in confusion. "Well I know you love Ginny. Have done so since 6th year. Are you going to do the right thing and propose?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

Harry bit his lip. "Actually Ron and I were discussing this over the holidays. He wants to ask Hermione to marry him and it got me thinking. I mean I know Ginny is the one for me. She is my everything. And her father has already given me permission. He did so without me even having to ask," he laughed.

"That is great. The Weasley's all adore you so I am sure that was an easy blessing to give. So have you decided when?"

He frowned. "I have no clue. I mean she is a year younger than us. So this year I turn 19 years old she will only be 18. I think maybe she is too young."

Astra actually forgot that Ginny was younger. She never acted like it. She knew what Harry was saying about maybe being too young. But this was the wizarding way. Couples were usually engaged by 18 or 19 and it wasn't uncommon to be engaged at 17. Astra knew that there were a few in their year who were engaged. Two couples were already married, not including Blaise and Maddi.

"I don't think she is too young. I think it depends on how strong your love is. You have loved her for years, and she had loved you even longer. So it's not outrageous. Our mum and your dad were married at 18. Do what you feel is right. You have your whole lives ahead of you. You don't have to rush."

"Yeah. Ron wants to be engaged before joining the Aurors office. I think I would like that. So we have time to work it all out," he shrugged.

"Exactly so don't be worrying. I am sorry for bringing it up," she bit her lip. She didn't mean to annoy or upset him.

"No, you didn't. I mean I have been thinking about it anyway. Ever since Blaise and Maddi got married."

Astra laughed. "Me too actually. I think we all have. Although it would be weird going back to school married. I mean I am not one to talk I will be engaged and pregnant, but married just seems wild."

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