47. Study Not Date

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It was fair to say that after that, Draco had all but moved in with Astra. He was always there. Always. And Astra loved it. They would wake up together and have breakfast before classes, lunch, more classes and dinner. Their evenings were then free to do what they pleased. Unfortunately, they were in their final year so as much as they wanted to do 'other things' they had to study and do homework.

Draco was not happy on Friday evening when Astra got ready for her study session. "Draco, it is not a big deal. It's studying. In the library. In public."

"I still don't like it. Can't you blow him off?" Draco frowned.

"I was going to, but I actually do need help with this assignment, the one even you couldn't figure out. Why don't you come with me?" She asked.

Draco looked furious. "Because I would rather flunk out than watch as he tries it on with you," Draco snapped and Astra flinched. His eyes softened. "I'm sorry...fuck sake... I am not the jealous kind. What the fuck is happening to me?"

Astra wasn't sure what to say to be honest. "Um...."

"Just....go and hurry back to me," he said huffing. "I am going to my dorm. I need....a book." He took off out of the trunk and Astra was not exactly sure if he was annoyed at her or not. Draco wasn't great at the whole - sharing your feelings thing.

She sighed but turned to feed Atlas before heading off. On a date, he would pick her up from her room, so instead, she decided to start heading to the library and meet him on the way. That way he would know it was most definitely not a date.

She didn't get to walk much as he caught her at the top of the stairs. He was clearly dressed to impress with navy suit trousers and a light blue shirt with the sleeves folded up to above his elbows and the buttons undone to practically his belly button. His hair was gelled back like Draco used to wear in his early school years. He looked like he just stepped out of one of those John Hughes 80's movies that Hermione made her watch. "I was just coming to get you," he smiled as he produced flowers from behind his back. His cologne was very strong, empowering all of her senses when he stood close to her. It made her nauseous.

"What are these?" She asked not sure if she should accept them.

"Well, they are commonly known as flowers, lilies in particular," he smirked. "For you." He handed them to her. Giving her a charming smile. You don't bring flowers to a study session. She thought she had made it clear that this was not a date. Heck, she didn't even change out of the jeans and cardigan she was wearing after dinner.

"Why?" She asked.

"Does a guy need a reason to buy you flowers?" He smirked. "I have no clue what kind of guys you used to date but they do not sound too good if they never buy you flowers."

"Maybe I don't need a guy to buy me flowers," she challenged. "The gesture is nice but not necessary. I would be more impressed with a guy who listened to me." She had a feeling he was getting at Draco and she was having none of it.

"Touché. I will have to remember that," he smiled. "Shall we?" He gestured ahead to the stairs. Astra could see he was about to hold out his hand for her so she quickly took the flowers and began to walk. With her flowers and her bookbag, she had no free hands to take his arm.

"So, I am really thankful to you for helping me with this project. I am struggling."

"Aw, I am happy to help." He smiled as they stepped off the stairs. "I have been wanting to get a chance to spend some time with you." He stopped in the hallway with the library just ahead of them. "Actually I was thinking rather than the noisy library, we could use my office. It's just ahead here. It will be quieter."

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