96. Tufferigme

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After many goodbyes and promises to write the group all headed off up to the trunk to rest, no one talking much all keeping their heads down and lost in their own thoughts. Draco was furious that the reporters even thought of putting a target on Astra's back like they did and he was secretly worrying about how many actual Death Eaters were already privy to the information, wondering just how safe his fiancé and mother of his child really were. 

Harry, who had not thought of Bathila since that day in Godric's Hollow was slightly horrified at everything that Rita Skeeter had done in order to obtain information for her book. Was she responsible for the lady's death. He had wanted to meet this lady for a long time. She felt like a link between him and his parents and he had so many questions for her. She didn't deserve the death she got. She didn't deserve to suffer. 

Hermione was biting her lip, hard worrying about what Ron would think of her and Theo. There was a perfectly good explanation, but it wasn't really her place to tell, and she wasn't sure if Theo would want to. 
Theo was just as worried, and he kept glancing at Pansy who kept her head down lost in her own thoughts. Which worried him. A quiet Pansy was never a good Pansy. 

Maddi was quietly crying, horrified that there would be people out there who would question her rushed wedding to Blaise and who would assume she was a gold-digger. 
Blaise was furious that anyone has the audacity to even judge his relationship with Maddi. It was no one's business but her and him.

So when they all descended the stairs into the trunk and all took turns saying hello to Atlas before falling into their seats, there were heavy sighs from everyone but no talking. And it didn't sit right with Astra. 

"Guys," Astra said quietly making Pansy and Draco jump. "What we read. It was a load of bull. We all know that. She took facts, and she twisted and morphed them into something quite different. We shouldn't be sulking, we should be celebrating that we stopped her from printing these lies." Astra sighed looking towards Pansy and Hermione wondering what would happen next. 

"That bitch!" Theo snapped. "What a load of fucking crap!"

"So you haven't been spending time with Hermione?" she asked her voice ripe with nerves. She couldn't look him in the eyes. She was terrified of what Theo might say.

Theo sighed and looked to Hermione who offered him a half smile and a quick nod. "I have," he answered simply. Pansy felt her heart drop. The man she loved was spending time with another woman. Another beautiful and sweet, caring, kind woman. Pansy looked to Hermione. She sighed. She could never compete with the brightest witch of her age. She knew that. Of course Theo would fall for her. Of course, he wouldn't be able to stay away from her and want to be alone with her whenever he could. She could feel her lip wobble, her eyes filling with tears. Ron paled, and his eyes widened in surprise too. "But it's not what you think," Theo added quickly noticing the change in his girlfriend.

"Sorry?" Pansy asked as Ron snapped "What?"

"Hermione and I have been... I mean she has been..." He looked down at his hands. "Tufferigme," he mumbled, his cheeks reddening.

"What?" Pansy asked.

Theo sighed again. "Tutoring me. Hermione has been spending her evenings tutoring me. I am falling behind in a few classes, and she has been helping me to catch up. Helping me with my homework and breaking down the lessons, so I will understand them." He was getting louder now, embarrassed at his confession. "So yeah, I am an idiot! Hermione is having too dumb everything down for me just so I understand it. "

He looked across to Ron. "I begged her not to say anything as I didn't want anyone to know. I was embarrassed, and I would have died if Pansy knew she was matched to a bloody idiot! I am sorry. Don't be angry at her. She has been fantastic! Because of her I have caught up on loads! I owe her so friggin much!"

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