51. Smother

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"This is getting ridiculous," Astra sighed as she sat on her old dorm bed which now belonged to Ginny officially.

"I feel like a prisoner," Ginny said grumpily lying next to her.

"I can't even go to the library for crying out loud!" That was the biggest inconvenience to her. She loved the library and now she had to have Draco deliver all her books. She and Ginny were now being walked to class and from class, to the Great Hall and from and that was about it. Ginny was allowed to attend Quidditch practise with Harry and Ron so long as there was at least three security with them at all times.

Given that there were extra security around the dorm, the two girls were not exactly popular. It meant that everyone was checked going in and out of the dorm. So Ginny and Astra stopped hanging out in the common room, instead they took to hanging out in Astra's trunk. Astra had to beg for permission for the boys to be allowed access to her dorm as well as Pansy. It took some convincing but eventually they were given access.

Much to Snape's displeasure.

"You know it's for your own safety?" Theo said from his spot on the floor where Hermione was giving him and Ron a study lesson.

"You know I can hit you from here right?" Ginny said.

"But he's not wrong," Harry was lying behind Ginny his back against the headboard. "I mean that bastard is after you both. Because of me. It feels...wrong to be sitting here doing nothing."

"That's because you are usually the one who has to save the day. How about you let someone else take over mate? You can sit this one out and leave it to the Aurors." Ron said knowing full well if Harry decided to get involved that he would too. It's what best friends do.

"But this is my sister and girlfriend that he is threatening. I feel like I need to do something."

"Yeah I have to agree with Po...eh Harry on this one," Draco said. "That toad has threatened by girlfriend and her (probably soon to be sister-in-law) and I don't want to sit around doing nothing."

Harry had gone very pale at the idea of he and Ginny getting married and Ginny's cheeks were now the same colour as he hair.

"I'm in," Blaise called from Maddi's bed where he was lying with his head hanging off the bed looking at everyone upside down.  "If someone is threatening Angel and Little Red, I want to help kick their ass!"

"But this was your friend?" Astra said. "You grew up with him. Surely you don't want to hurt him." She looked to Draco who shrugged at her.

"Goyle was a bit of a prat. I mean he was always hanging around Crabbe and Draco. He was a bit of a lap dog. He may not have been as mean and Draco or Crabbe but he had a nasty temper," Pansy admitted looking a little guilty.

"He was an idiot," Draco frowned.

"So is Ron but we stand by him," Ginny pointed out.

"Oi, I am right here!"

"How could we forget?" She rolled her eyes.

"Astra after what you told me about what he did to you, he lost any respect I had for him," Draco brushed her hair behind her ear.

"What did he do to you?" Harry said his eyes snapping up.

"It's nothing you need to worry about, honest. I am fine." She said not wanting to bring this story up again. It was hard enough telling her father and uncles about it, let alone her friends.

"Astra it was not nothing, you should tell them," Draco encouraged and kissed her head. "No more secrets."

"Well Ginny knows a bit of it," Astra said and everyone turned to Ginny to glare.

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