65. Spit It Out Man

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It was late in the afternoon, when Teddy was snoring in a crib that had been set up in the little library room just off from the front door and Astra and Snape had sorted through all the photos, him taking some for his office and home and Astra displaying a few around the cottage, when the fireplace roared to life, emitting green flames before spitting out Harry and Sirius.

Astra practically jumped into his arms before he even got to set his bag down. "I have missed you too Jo," he chuckled.

"I am so glad you are here," she said squeezing him.

"What about me?" Sirius pouted.

"Well someone had to carry the bags," Snape smirked as Sirius rolled his eyes.

Astra laughed and jumped into Sirius arms wrapping her legs around him and squeezing him tightly. "It always good to see you uncle Sirius."

"And you little star. How have you been?" He smiled.

Everyone turned to look at Astra. Sirius didn't actually know about the baby. But she wanted Draco here when she told him.

She didn't have to wait long though as the fireplace roared to live again and out stepped both Malfoys.

"Are we interrupting something?" Draco smirked, noticing his girl wrapped around another man. His cousin no less.

"Babe," Astra beamed and Sirius set her down and Draco lifted her. "I have missed you so much." She kissed him, not caring that everyone else was there.

He chuckled against her lips. "I missed you too love. I love you."

He set her down so she could hug Narcissa hello. "You look lovely Narcissa," she smiled and kissed her cheek.

"And you are glowing my dear. It is so lovely of you to invite us here. Your home is beautiful. Charming and wonderful decorated."

"Thank you ma'am."

"No ma'am to you. It's far too formal."

She stood back with Draco as he wrapped an arm around her and kissed her temple. She turned to Sirius.

"Uncle Sirius?" She called as Sirius said hello to everyone.

"I love it when you call me that."

"How would you like to be a great-uncle?" Draco smirked.

Sirius looked confused for a few seconds before realisation dawned on him. "You're...I mean you...and Draco...is there -"

"Spit it out man!" Snape called from the sofa next to Remus.

"Are you...pregnant?" He asked already smiling as Draco and placed his hand over Astra's belly.

"Yeah," Astra said smiling but she was nervous. She didn't know how he would react.

"That is FANTASTIC!" Sirius pulled the couple in for a group hug. "Our family is growing!" He then pulled Harry in as well who pulled Narcissa in with him. "Come you lot! Group hug!" Sirius shouted laughing.

Snape had no intention of joining but Andromeda wasn't going to give him in option. She pulled both men to their feet and pushed them both in to the little huddle that had gathered in the living room.

"Is this a private hug or can anyone join?" A little voice called from the fireplace.

Astra looked over the shoulder of Draco to see Maddi and her mother standing smiling. "No you are family too!" Sirius called and pulled both women in.

Astra was fighting back tears as she looked around at the group. Her boyfriend, the father of her unborn baby, his mother, and aunt. Her own father, her godfather, and his son, her uncle, her best friend and her mother. Her family. She adored each and every one of them.

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