70. Kick Him In The Balls?

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"I actually brought you something," Astra said to Lucius. "I asked Jacob the security guard to scan it privately so that Narcissa and Draco didn't see it before you did." She fished into her pocket and produced a small piece of photographic paper. "It's not the best quality as Severus took it from my memory....but it's still amazing." She set the paper on the table and Lucius leaned over.

"It's a....what is it?" He asked trying his hardest to identify the image in front of him.

"Well," she laughed, "that little white blob right there is your grandbaby." Lucius and Narcissa both gasped. "See, this," she pointed to the smallest round bit," is the baby's head, and this is its body. We have no idea what it is yet and we can't find for a few weeks."

Lucius was still staring at the image. He could feel his heart melting at the sight. Just knowing that his family line was living on. That this little miracle that was gifted to them is a fresh start for their family. A chance to shed their PureBlood, discriminatory status and just....be like everyone else. It was damn scary but he was excited to see what the next generation of Malfoy's would do.

Draco was horrified. He suddenly had visions of him turning out like his father. Leading his son or daughter down a dark path. Or worse yet, what if his child grew up clueless to his history and then one day discovered that their father and grandfather were part of a group who made it their mission to slaughter men, women, and children they deemed unfit to practise magic. Would they hate him? Would they blame him?

His thoughts began to play tricks on him. Betraying him. He was being to feel like the room was closing in on him. Like he was trapped. Like Astra was trapping him.

Which did not sound right even as he thought it. He loved this woman and she would never trap him like this....right?

But she had hooked up with guys before. Diggory and even a Weasley! What if the baby wasn't actually his? He looked over at her as she smiled at his father and mother who were now muttering about the picture. It would break them if she was lying about the baby. Break him. He had to be sure. He had to see proof. He didn't trust his own thoughts nor did he trust anyone else's.

His thoughts were interrupted by a bang on the door. "Times up!" The guard called and Lucius sighed, standing.

"Thank you for coming to visit me and for my gifts. They mean the world to me." He picked up the picture and held it to his chest. "This is the best Christmas gift ever," he chuckled. He leant over and hugged Astra. "Thank you so much my dear."

"You are very welcome, sir. And Merry Christmas." She smiled. She looked to Narcissa. "Why don't I give you all a few minutes to say goodbye in private?"

"Sounds good," Draco said in a snippy tone. Astra gave him a confused look but she didn't question it. She just wanted to go home. This place was soul draining. She stood outside with a guard while Narcissa and Draco said their fare wells.

A wave of nausea came over here, as it usually did and she bent over slowly. Just at that moment Stephanie came into the hallway towards her. "Are you OK?" she asked bending down to her level. Astra was surprised by her sudden concern. This girl hated her an hour ago.

"Nausea," she answered quickly afraid if she spoke more she would vomit.

"Ohhh. Morning sickness. My sister had that last year. It seemed like it was a bitch!"' she chuckled. "We have water at the front desk if you want to meet your family out there?" Astra looked up at her sceptically. "Hey, I know I was a bitch...but come on...he is buff. But I can see he is a family man and I am nowhere near ready for babies and commitment. Come on...I think Jacob even has some crackers in his desk drawer."

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