55. Too Quick To Forgive?

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"How about we get you back to the castle?" Sirius said as Astra hugged him again before moving to hug Snape.

"That sounds good," she smiled.

Snape kissed the top of her head. "You don't look too good. Maybe we should get Poppy to take a look at you?"

"I am sure it's nothing. I probably just need to rest a bit. It's been quite a day," she shrugged.

"Astra?" Theo called quietly from here he stood, still behind Remus.

She sighed and turned to him. "Hi," was all she said.

"I wanted to thank you for saving my sister," he sniffed. "She didn't deserve it but you defended her. After all she has done." Once again he had underestimated the angel in front of him. He should have known that she would not let his sister suffer. Especially not in Azkaban. But he thought back to everything that happened in the Head's office. He had called her a bitch and even smacked her in the face.

He was deeply ashamed of himself for how he reacted again. He had never struck a woman in his life. He had no idea why he even did it. He just...when she went to touch him, he was furious. He knew that she would calm him down and make him see sense. It was just her way. But he didn't want to feel calm. He wanted to lash out. He wanted to punch something but not Astra.

He didn't know how he was going to make it up to her. Maybe she wouldn't forgive him.

A tall woman, that Astra had not noticed before stepped into view. She was stunning, with long blonde hair and a pantsuit on her that reminded Astra of something a lawyer would wear. She had a gorgeous face with bright green eyes. She didn't smile through. Actually she looked like she had been crying.

"And I cannot thank you enough for that," she said stepping forward and embracing Astra. "Thank you for not sentencing my little girl. She is my baby," she sniffed. Astra could feel the tears fall off this woman's face and into her hair.

"Of course Mrs Nott," Astra said patting her back. "She was tricked by the person she trusted most in the world. I would probably have done the exact same if it were Draco."

The lady smiled. "My name is Katherine. Katherine Ryan's. I have divorced my husband for his involvement in the war. And it was the best thing I ever did." Her smile was actually infectious. She just radiated positive energy and happiness.

"Well I am happy for you. You are stunning by the way," Astra gasped. "I am sorry for pointing out the obvious. I meant you look happy and content and it is lovely to see." She blushed now at the fact that she just told this woman that she was stunning. She would have face palmed herself but everyone was currently watching her.

"Oh sweetheart, no wonder Cissy is so fond of you!" She hugged her again. "You are a delight." She looked over Astra's shoulder and Draco. "You have a good one here Draco. Don't you let her go."

"What?.....Oh...uh...yeah," He mumbled not looking up. That was never a good sign with Draco. When he was quiet or not paying attention it usually means that something was up. And for some reason Astra just knew that it was not good.

"We were just heading to Hogwarts?" Sirius said in a voice Astra had never heard before. "Would you like to accompany us?" What was up with that? Was he flirting? Was this his way of trying to flirt?

Astra smiled. She was actually excited to think that Sirius was flirting. Was talking to a woman. A beautiful woman. He had been on his own for so long and she was so pleased for him. Even if nothing came of it, at least he was trying.

"That would be lovely. I have to go and speak to the Headmistress anyway." She smiled took Sirius' outstretched arm, linking her own through and with her free hand she took Elizabeth's hand but she pulled away and turned to Astra.

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