44. I Have Been Avoiding You

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Astra sat in her apartment (she refused to call it her trunk anymore. It sounded too weird) on the sofa with Atlas on her knee playing quite happily with her hair as it moved about swinging as she focused on her DADA book.

They were learning about Poltergeists, and she had to admit she was fascinated. She knew of Peeves obviously, but he was just bent on causing as much mischief as possible. There were others who either did not know they were dead or had very unhappy, unfinished business. These were the ones that were a hell of a lot more dangerous, a hell of a lot more scary... and a hell of a lot more interesting.

This was how she spent quite a few evenings this past few weeks. She went to class, ate and then came back here. It was now the end of November, and everyone was starting to get excited for the Christmas holidays. Astra was no different. Hagrid had decorated the castle, and she had even heard whispers that they were planning on using megaphones to blast Christmas music.

With so much free time on her hands, she even had finished all her Christmas shopping, with three weeks to spare. And she may have gone overboard never before having been able to buy presents. She even bought for the ones she was currently not speaking to.

She had been thinking a lot about them. Missing her friends. Missing Draco. Which was stupid because by now he was probably very much loved with someone who was very much not her. She even bought him a present although she had not decided if she wanted to give it to him or not. It may be too sentimental.

But she found she really missed him. His sarcastic comments and smirk, how her hand would tingle when he held it, or how he would set butterflies off in her stomach every time he kissed her. She hated to admit it, but she had really fallen for the idiot.

She had managed to bail on the last three dates, getting Snape or Remus to tell them she was sick and couldn't make it. During lifestyle lessons these last few weeks, they had been theory based. They had to listen to a therapist who dealt with couples, listen to Mr Brennan talk about married life and communication, and then listen to a High Priestess talk about bonding and becoming one soul with your partner. It was all very boring, and she found herself during these lectures, watching Draco out of the corner of her eye. She was delighted , as most times, she looked she would catch him looking at her.

But he was probably thinking she was mental!

She shook her head, realising she had read the same line now six times and closed the book when there was a knock on her....well lid. She bit her lip, knowing full well that only a handful of people knew where she was staying, so she had a vague idea of who it could be.

Boy, was she wrong.

"Astra?" Harry called. "Can I come in?" She kept quiet, hoping that if she simply didn't answer, he would assume she was gone and would leave her. But luck was not in her corner. He opened the lid and stepped inside. "Astra? I know you are here. I saw you come in, and I know you have not left. I have been waiting."


He walked down the stairs, catching her eye as he did. He smiled.

She, however, didn't smile. "Hello, Harry."

"I did knock..." he started as he moved towards the living room section. "I have been trying to talk to you for a while now."

"I know you have. I have been avoiding you."

"I know you have," he smiled. "Can I sit?"

She gestured to the chair opposite her, but he walked around and sat next to her on the sofa. "Astra," he started turning his body around to face her. "I want to tell you how sorry I am. Sorry that I was such a dick that night. I was so wrapped up in my own head that I did not even think about how emotionally challenging it has been for you."

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