87. Interrupting

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Draco gave a gasp. So she was here the whole time. She never left the room. Of course she didn't. Only Astra would think of hiding in plain sight. His clever little witch. That meant she heard everything that he has said. Now he felt hopeful. Now, maybe she would see just how special she was to him.

Astra sighed. No point in hiding now. Everyone knew she was here. She needed to think of better hiding places. She wiped her eyes and cheeks. She was pretty sure she looked a mess so she cast a very quick spell to fix her face and hair and also her crumpled dress which she had been using to dab her eyes. She took a deep breath as she shook her head slightly trying to rid herself of all the negative thoughts she had. She needed to focus. She slowly opened the lid of the trunk and stood up as Remus smirked down at her. "How did you -"

"Know you were in there?" Remus laughed. "You really are more like your mother than you realise. I knew you wouldn't Apparate with your trunk as it would be a risk to the baby. So it made sense that you were still in the room. While Draco spoke I was walking around to see if you had made the trunk invisible. Then I noticed the wardrobe door was ajar and I could make out your trunk inside."

"Never could get anything past you, could I? Not even when you were simply my teacher." She smirked as he took her hand and helped her out.

Atlas, little traitor that he was, ran down her leg and straight over to Draco and up his trousers to sit on his shoulder and patted his head. "Hey buddy," he said as he scratched his belly. He looked over to Astra apprehensively, not sure how she would react. He knew she had heard everything but as usual he had no idea how she was feeling and he was dying to know.

His heart was beating past, and his hands were sweating as she stood up tall and took two large steps so she was standing in front of him. Fear struck him as he was terrified to say the wrong thing. It wouldn't be the first time he said something wrong. He had to get this right. He had to make sure she knew exactly what he was thinking. But he wasn't sure exactly where to start.

Astra stood there not sure if she should talk first or if she should let Draco. She had heard everything he said. She now knew how he felt. She was determined to make things right and to get back to her happy ever after.

"I think maybe we should let you two talk," Severus said smiling.

"No!" Draco said quickly. He smiled as he looked around. "I want you all here to hear this." he looked at Astra. "I am sorry if you thought even for a second that I would choose anyone but you to have in my life. I love you Astra. You are the one. My soulmate. I am sorry for saying you need to learn to be a PureBlood. To be honest you're more a PureBlood than I am. A true PureBlood. You don't care about anyone's blood status, only what's in their hearts. That is how I want to be. In truth, I could do with you teaching me how to be more like you."

He stepped closer and took her hands in his own. Her tears were falling down her face now as she tried to fight them off.

"I love you. I will always love you. I have made so many mistakes with you and I have nothing to say other than I am an idiot and I am sorry. You are incredible and I am lucky that you were mated to me. What we have, no one can come between."

She shook her head. "No one," she smiled.

He smiled. "It's me and you against the world. I promise to love you for as long as you will let me. I told Sophie that she was nothing compared to you. You are my everything. I want to spend my life making you smile. Astra, I wanted to show you how much I love you. I want to show the world that I am yours and you are mine. Before going to Sophie's, I asked my mother to come with me to Diagon Alley, for a few minutes." He put his hand into a pocket and pulled out a small box.

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