23. A Skyfull Of Stars

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Astra headed off to the Astronomy Tower still laughing to herself at how Blaise and Theo and even Draco looked pleasantly horrified when she kissed Maddi. Well they wouldn't think she was a goody two shoes any more.

She opened the door to the tower and climbed the steps, swinging her bag. She loved being up here. It was always a fun way to spend the evening, when she wanted some privacy. This evening though, she was not alone. Snape was standing at the top of the tower, looking sadly at the edge of the tower and the railing behind. Astra shuddered thinking about how horrible it must be for him to be here.

"Professor?" She called. What was she going to call him – Daddy? Father? Too soon.

In any case she made him jump and he turned a large basket in his hands. "Astra," he smiled. "You are the first to arrive," he said gesturing behind him to the blanket laid on the ground with candles set around the rest of the tower and music began to play in the background. A muggle song if memory served her right.

"Actually, sir I will be the only one arriving tonight," she smiled.

"Are you not meant to be on a date with Draco Malfoy?" He asked quizzing. He didn't look too happy that she was on a date but he looked even less impressed at the thought that she was being stood up.

"Well... I mean... I am.... I -"

"Sorry I am late," Draco said practically running into the tower. "I had hoped to get here first but I got caught up...em...talking to someone." he turned to Astra. "I hope I did not keep you waiting too long?" He came to stand beside her.

"I...just got here," she answered looking at him like he was having a mental moment.

"So why was Astra under the impression she would be on her own tonight?" Snape said folding his arms.

"I actually had another commitment tonight and I was unsure if I could cancel it." He looked to Astra. "But for this girl, I did." She rolled her eyes and Snape caught it smirking.

"Very well." He turned to Astra again. "You are having a moonlit picnic and there is a telescope set up for you to see the stars. I left a book on the celestial objects and phenomena from the library so you can understand what you are looking at." He handed the book to Astra.

"That was...very nice of you sir. I really appreciate it."

"Anything for you," he smiled and then froze when he realised Draco was watching the interaction. "Just leave it here when you are done and I will collect it tomorrow. Professor McGonagall has extended curfew to 12pm. It is now 7pm so I shall leave you two to get to know each other better."

He turned to leave and then said. "I expect your best behaviour," more to Draco than Astra but added, "Astra I will see you in the morning. I would like to speak with you again."

"Yes, sir." She smiled. "Shall I meet you in your office?"

"No I will meet you up here. We have much to discuss and there are a few things I would like to show you."

"No problem. I will be here. After breakfast?"

"Perfect," he replied and then walked off and down the stairs.

"What the crap was that?" Draco asked.

"What?" Astra feigned innocence and proceeded to unpack the basket Snape had left, which was filled with a huge variety of food from breads, cheese, crisps, fruit, even hot containers of seafood chowder and salads and other various nibbles and two flasks one with hot chocolate and the other Butterbeer.

"What do you mean 'what'? Snape is never nice to anyone and yet he is charming to you and meeting up with you on a Sunday? Don't tell me he is a godfather as well?" Draco scoffed.

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