94. More Lies

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"I am her father," Severus snapped making Rita gasp. "Her biological father and I am telling you to -"

"There is more," Astra said as she looked down at the paper.

As you know my dear readers, at the beginning of the year, we made you aware of the new scheme the current Minister for Magic and the Wizengamont cooked up to try to increase the population of the wizarding community by pairing them with other students, choosing matches based on a simple quiz they gave out. Yes, a quiz was used to decide who you should spend the rest of your life with.
Of course there were matches made that all society were able to guess. For one, our little boy who lived, Mr Harry Potter, The Chosen One, was paired to non-other than his current girlfriend Miss Ginny Weasley. Ronald Weasley had the unfortunate luck to be paired with Miss Hermione Granger, our little scarlet witch who has been leaving broken hearts (including Harry Potter during his Triwizard days).

Another match made from this scheme was between Mr Blaise Zabini, the heart throb and sidekick to Draco Malfoy. Mr Zabini, who lives with his mother in Wiltshire, was arranged to be married to Belinda Cannery, a marriage that was set up many years prior and due to take place this year. But after the Ministry testing, it has been revealed that Mr Zabini has been wrongfully matched to one Miss Maddi Mackle, from Armagh, Northern Ireland.

Maddi is the only child of Esme Mackle and Brent Anderson who were married briefly years ago. Mr Anderson was unavailable to comment on the match, but Ms Mackle was thrilled that her daughter was paired to Mr Zabini. In her worlds she claims 'the match is perfect. The couple is enjoying spending time together and getting close. I am delighted my daughter has found someone special.'

Mrs Zabini however is outraged that her son was paired to another student without her permission as she was already in the middle of planning what was to be the wedding of the year. In her own words. "It's disgusting that the Ministry took it upon themselves to add my son to this cockamamie scheme. He is already engaged to the beautiful Ms Cannery and I believe she is a much better match to my son. I fear that Miss Mackle is only after my son for his trust fund. Her mother has not a knut to her name, and so I believe she faked her quiz to ensure she trapped my son. She got her claws into him, and she is not letting up. I am doing everything in my power to save my son from this misery."

If Mrs Zabini was angry that her son was paired to Ms Mackle, she must be seething as it turns out that Mr Blaise Zabini and Miss Maddi Mackle tied the knot over the Christmas holidays in a small ceremony held at Malfoy Manor. Yes ladies and gentlemen, poor Blaise has been trapped into a marriage he never wanted leaving his fiancé broken-hearted at being jilted. We do not know how Maddi managed to trick Blaise into marriage, but we shall find out.

One wondered does the new Mrs Zabini have no shame in breaking up a relationship for money? The term home-wrecker works well here. Playing with people's lives like this should be criminal. Maddi Mackle-Zabini should not get away with what she did to poor Blaise who it doesn't sound like had much of a choice in the matter.

We will keep you up to date as we find out more.

We are on a roll ladies and gentlemen, and we have more stories to unfold for you. Hold on to your hats as this scandal is one that this reporter (and most of my readers) saw coming.

Hermione Granger has been at it again.
As I have already reported, Miss Hermione Granger, a muggle born witch who helped Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley during the war, has been matched to Ronald Weasley in the matchmaking scheme. This match was not a shock to those who knew the couple and were close to them. It seems Miss Granger got her claws into Mr Weasley as he has been swooning over her ever since. I wonder if someone has tested him for a love potion?

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