12. I Wouldn't Want To Disappoint

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The train ride after that was very quiet, with everyone lost in their own little worlds. For Astra, it was the thought that Draco said she would never be loved. That no one would be interested in her.

Was she that intolerable?

She was never what she would call 'beautiful'. In fact, she was probably more on the lines of 'plain.' But she was polite and friendly, and she tried to be as kind as she could. Were these not be good qualities for love?

Before the war, she had never much thought of finding a man. But she had to admit this summer, she thought of nothing else. It was as if, just before it was revealed who her family was that she had finally accepted that she had none and that she must strive to create one by finding someone to love and build a furture with.

She saw the way Ginny and Harry, and indeed Hermione and Ron, looked at each other, and she wanted that. More than anything else. She wanted for herself just as much as she wanted it for her Maddi. So for Draco to plant ideas that she was undesirable, unworthy of love was..heartbreaking to hear.

She jumped up as soon as it was safe to do so and grabbed her bag before sliding the compartment door open and stepping out and then down onto the platform.

The small group made their way to the carriages. Blaise and Maddi jumped in with Pansy and Theo climbing up. "There is more room. Do you two want to squeeze on?" Maddi asked, shuffling up against Blaise.

"We can get this next one." Astra said, shrugging as she stepped up to the empty one and stepped in. She expected Draco to climb in, too, but he climbed up and sat next to Maddi on their carriage.

She wasn't going to embarrass herself, so she stayed put. She could hear the others arguing with him, calling him out on his rudeness, which made her smirk.

She felt perfectly happy getting the carriage alo -

She was suddenly tilted to the right as someone climbed into the carriage and sat down on the bench opposite.

Astra was sure she had seen him before but she could not place him. His thick, curly brown hair, and a piercing gaze. A gaze that is currently gazing at her.

"Hello," she smiled, trying to be polite.

"Well, hello there," he smirked. He wore Slytherin robes. Of course, only a Slytherin could smirk like that. "Astra, right?"

"Uh... yeah, I am. I apologise. I don't know your name."

"Elijah Whittle," he stuck out his hand, which Astra took to shake, but he surprised her by turning it and kissing it. "I am delighted to meet your acquaintance at last. I have heard quite a bit about you."

"Really?" Astra was a little sceptical.

"Oh yes, and my sources are never wrong."

"Well, I hope not. I wouldn't want to disappoint." She said shyly.

The carriages in the front began to take off. "Huh," he said. "Looks like I get you all to myself. Lucky m-"

"Sorry I am late, I had to check something with Blaise real quick." Draco said, climbing in the carriage and sitting next to Astra, too close once again.

"Perhaps not," Elijah muttered, clearly disappointed.

"Good to see you Whittle. I see you have met dear Astra," he said, gesturing to her.

'Dear?' she thought.

"I have. Charming young lady."

"She is very charming. And very beautiful, of course." Draco smiled.

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