53. Vindicta

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"What was that you bitch?!" Elizabeth cried out.

"Truth telling serum. Now why are you here?" The Auror snapped.

"To open the window for Gregory and say the password so he knows it's me." Elizabeth said as tears streamed down her face.

"What is the password?" he asked.

"Vindicta," she sobbed.

"And what were you supposed to do after that?"

"Run away and back to the pitch so no one would suspect me. I was to get him in and that's it." She said.

"Where is Snape's Polyjuice Potion?" Astra asked as the Auror passed it over. "Sorry," Astra said as she pulled out some of Elizabeth's hair. "Anyone got a glass?"

The Auror transfigured one from a badge he was wearing. Astra handed some potion and the hair. "Down the hatch," the Auror smiled swallowing it. It always fascinated Astra how the Polyjuice Potion worked. She watched as the Auror shrunk and hair grew out of the top of his head. His features all twisted until Elizabeth was standing in front of them.

"You need to change clothes," Astra said.

"No need," he moaned and he cast his wand down his robes, changing them to the Slytherin uniform.

"Right, off you go! Remember the password and don't do anything until he is in the room. Then you can reveal yourself."

"No! Please no! You can't do this! He just wants her...He wants to take her away. He said to France maybe and remove her memories. He even said he would get her a family to live with. He is not evil!"

"Oh for the love of....Lizzie he is a liar! He tried to kill Astra twice. He slit her wrists so she would bleed out. Stop being so bloody naive. Theo is going to kill you, you know!" Pansy snapped putting a gag on Elizabeth's mouth.

She gave a whimper and began to sob.

Astra turned to the Auror. "You need to get in there."

He nodded and took off into the dorm. "Back to the office!" He called over his shoulder.

"He is right. You need to get back to the office. Now." Andromeda said. "And take this child with you." she called.

Poor Elizabeth was still bound and sitting on the floor. Astra levitated her up and they headed off as Elizabeth kicked and tried to scream, but it was merely a muffle. He two girls headed off to the office once again.

As Astra opened the door she was met with Narcissa. "I was beginning to think you had fallen - What are they doing here?" She asked her hands on her hips.

"Well, em...I may have not went to the bathroom." Astra blushed.

"What?" Mrs Weasley snapped.

"I could see Pansy running on the map," she said as she levitated Elizabeth in and Pansy followed. "We figured out that this girl was Goyle's girlfriend and the one eho has been helping him."

"Who is she?" Maddi asked.

"This is Elizabeth Nott," Pansy said sadly.

"What?" Maddi and Narcissa gasped.

"This is Theo's little sister?" Maddi asked.

Pansy nodded. "I bumped into her in the Quidditch stands and followed her up here and then Astra and I cut her off. Andi gave her truth telling serum and she confessed everything."

Astra removed the gag from her mouth. "Why would you do this?"

The girl rolled her eyes. "Because I love him. And he loves me. He said that he was broken after Crabbe's death and wanted revenge. He said when Harry felt how he felt, they would be even and we would be free to be together. He is going to marry me. He says that with you out of the way, he can get Draco on his side and then they can get back to the way things used to be."

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