38. As Far As Dates Go..

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After Potions was Astronomy before dinner which Astra ate nervously. She was the last to arrive at the table and chose to sit next to Maddi and Pansy rather than opposite and next to Draco like always. He noticed.

Between Draco watching her and Harry watching her it was difficult to eat. She felt like a lobster in a restaurant. So she kept her head down as much as possible and ate her burger and chips quickly.

"What's everyone's plan for this evening?" Theo asked after he fed Pansy a chip.

"Homework," Maddi groaned.

"Us too," Pansy frowned. "Want to come to the library with us?"

"Yeah saves me going alone," she shrugged. Blaise was looking off into the distance.

"Draco? Astra?"

"Sorry what?" Astra looked back to Theo who called her.

"Do you want to join us?"

"We...um...." Astra wasn't sure how much she needed to keep quiet.

"We have one of those stupid date nights," Draco groaned. "And I could bloody do with going to the library. Not wasting my time on a friggin date."

Astra wanted to kick him. "Well, I can go on my own." She suggested. "That way I can have fun and you can go to the library like you want."

"Astra you are too nice," Pansy squeezed her hand.

"Well...I..." Draco started as Blaise stood up and left the hall.

"It's fine Draco. I am a big girl. You don't want to go and I would rather not have to listen to you moping and spoiling my evening." He looked lost. "Hagrid will cover for us. No one will know you weren't there." She stood up. "I'm going to change and then head down. I will see you all later," she called as she headed out hoping to catch up with Blaise.

But he wasn't in the dorm or his room. She searched the castle as she headed out onto the grounds and towards Hagrids. She would find him after. Pity, she wasn't talking to Harry or she could use the Maur-"

"Oi!" She heard behind her as she made her way down the grass bank. It was a cold enough night. Considering it was the end of October she wasn't surprised. She spun to face whoever called her.


He was walking fast to catch up with her. His face was like thunder. "Why the fuck did you run off?"

"To get changed for this. I did tell you." She couldn't understand his anger.

"And you are walking alone. Did you forget what happened to you? You were supposed to wait in the hall for Hagrid to come up a get us." He was now in front of her, his hands on his hips.

"Oh...I forgot...and I thought you were heading to the library?"

The anger left his face. "I only said that so they wouldn't be suspicious."

"Of what?" Astra said starting to walk off again.

"Of us obviously," Draco said falling to step next to her.

"What us? You told me to forget what happened last night! Like it never happened. That's how you were acting and I was following your lead."

"I meant only in front of others," Draco said almost laughing at her stupidity. "Astra you numpty. I just don't want them to know I like you."

"Oh because heaven forbid! Imagine them thinking you are interested in little fucked up me." She rolled her eyes as they stopped outside Hagrids hut. "Draco I am here now and fine. Go back to the others."

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