49. Examore Purissimo

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"Examore purissimo," Remus smiled as he paced the office. "How exciting!"

"I am still a little confused," Astra said quietly as she nursed a now-sleeping Teddy on her knee. She couldn't believe how much he had grown. He was seven months now and even sitting up on his own. And she missed it. She missed him.

"Me too kid," Sirius smirked.

Draco had mentioned the theory that Hermione and Blaise had come up with to the adults who at first all sat open-mouthed until the portrait of Professor Dumbledore sat up laughing and declaring that he figured it out in October of the First Year.

"And you couldn't have warned us about it?" Snape said looking up at his best friend frowning.

"Now Severus, I had shielded your memories so Astra was just another student to you. Would it have really mattered back then?" Dumbledore laughed.

Snape pouted.

"So it's true?" Draco asked a little shocked.

Dumbledore nodded.

"But what does it mean?" Mrs Malfoy asked although she was still smiling. The thought that her son had met the woman he was going to marry, was quite exciting for her.

"Well," Remus started. "It simply means that this young couple," he placed a hand on both Astra and Draco's shoulders, "have a bond that is stronger than any of their peers. That their love is the real deal."

"It is extremely rare for a couple so young to be examore purissimo," Snape said, confused and conflicted. He had only just gotten Astra in his life and now she had Draco and he failed to see where he fitted in.

"But it does happen," Professor McGonagall said. "I have known couples who have had the same bond."

"Who?" Mrs Malfoy asked excitedly.

"Me," Andromeda sniffed. "Me and my Ted."

Mrs Malfoy gasped and took her sister's hand.

"I know exactly what you are feeling," she smiled at her nephew and Astra. "Like they are the centre of your world and the one thing that can keep you grounded. Like you would give up everything, your very life, just to see them happy. Like, no measure of time with each other will ever seem long enough."

Draco and Astra both found themselves nodding along.

"Wow," Astra gasped and smiled at Draco.

If nothing else, that smile. The way her whole face lit up when she looked at him. That would have been enough to assure Snape that she loved him, that he loved her and that they were happy. The fact that they were soulmates was just the icing on the cake.

"This is very cool little star," Sirius said, winking at her. "Finding your soulmate is not something everyone gets to experience."

"It is a unique gift," Dumbledore continued. "To love and be loved in return the way you do," he smiled at the couple. "I can see great things in your future. Astra, my dear, you finally have your family and the love you so deserve, and Draco has someone who accepts him and understands him, proving to him that love really does exist."

Mrs Malfoy looked at her son. He had not taken his eyes off this young girl from the moment she stepped into the room....she was sure it was long before then too. He adored her and he looked genuinely happy which made her happy.

Very happy.

Narcissa had been so worried about Draco for so long. Worried that she and Lucius had inflicted irrecoverable damage on him by exposing him to the Dark Lord and his way of life. She knew they were wrong. She knew after the death of Lily and James Potter. But she loved her husband and would follow him blindly.

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