89. Hold Your Tongue

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There were even more gasps at this than there were at Blaise and Maddi's announcement. "Love, will you join me up here?"

Was Astra allowed to say no? She didn't want to stand and see all those faces gaping back at her. But Draco was smiling, and her knees were going weak again. So she took a deep breath and stood up as her table erupted in shouts, applause, and wolf whistles. Draco took her hand and helped her up to stand next to him.

"This sensation has mesmerised me from the moment I met her. She is everything I have ever wanted. I never believed in 'love' before I met her but she has turned my world on its side and I love it. I love her. Now before we go any further I should say that we will be taking our time with our engagement. We have a few months to wait at least. Not only has this beauty agreed to marry me, but she has given me the greatest gift she could to show her love. She is making me a father."

More gasps.

"The news was quite a shock to us both, but we are very excited. Right baby?" He looked to Astra.

"It was definitely a lovely little surprise," she smiled.

"But one we are both very thankful for. It's going to be a fantastic adventure," he kissed her cheek. "This is my fiancé, everyone. Isn't she a beauty?"

The whole all erupted into applause with almost everyone on their feet to shout. Dean and Seamus were standing on their chairs clapping. George Weasley was wolf whistling again. Mrs Weasley and Narcissa were crying.

"So everyone, I would just like to wish you all a happy evening. I know I will as I get to dance with this girl in my arms all night. Happy New Year, from myself and my girl." He lifted his glass as Astra looked up at him smiling. As he took a sip she reached up and kissed his cheek. Which he reciprocated with a peck on the lips as the audience 'aw'd'.

Kingsley Shacklebolt was the first to congratulate the pair as the tables and chairs seemed to move by themselves off the dance floor and over to the side of the room. After Kingsley was the Weasley clan and then friends from school.

Draco couldn't stop grinning. He was so proud to show his girl off to the world. He looked around the room to see almost everyone smiling. He eyes glanced over Sophie to see her sitting with her arms folded and lip wobbling, looking like she might cry. Not that he cared.

The music began to play as Draco led Astra to the dance floor for a spin. She looked to be glowing as he took her in his arms and they began to move in time to the music. "I am sorry if I embarrassed you," he smirked.

"Not at all," she chuckled. "At least now everyone knows you are off the market."

"And you too. I saw at least seven gentlemen eyeing you as we entered the room and -"

"Sure Draco. Probably wondering why you were with someone so plain." He swung her around.

He laughed. "You are anything but plain, love. You are a true beauty. I know that those men were wondering who you were and why I got so lucky."

She rolled her eyes. "Well, I am all yours," she said as she played with the back of his hair.

"Yes you are," he growled as he lifted her off the ground, spinning them around before gently setting her back and swaying her around again. The looked very graceful and elegant as they twirled around the floor. "I love you Astra."

"I love you too Draco. More than I could put into words."

"I don't think I will ever tire of hearing that," he grinned as he spun her out of his embrace and back in again.

"So you don't mind that we have to wait until after the baby is born to get married? I just don't want to feel nauseous or have a big belly when I walk down the aisle to you." They had talked about which would be better – a quick wedding sooner or waiting to after the baby is born to have their big day. It just made sense to Astra to wait. It's not exactly glamours for the bride to be vomiting on her big day or for her to not be able to put her arms around her partner – because she can't reach him.

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