50. Bless Your Delisional Heart

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Life had moved pretty fast the last few weeks and Astra was beginning to feel dizzy from trying to keep up with it all. She had gone from hating Draco to tolerating him as part of the group to liking him, to hating him to admitting she was in love with him. It all felt very...bizarre. He could see be sarcastic and she had to call him out a few times on his insults but he was definitely trying. For her.

She had also been spending time with Harry again and getting to know him. It felt different now that they knew they were siblings. Not in a bad way. She adored him but it was different. He had also taken her second attack as a warning and so she and Ginny were never allowed to be on their own. Harry had decided that it was better for them to be together all the time so he could watch over them both.

This meant he had insisted that she move her trunk back into the dorm. It was annoying but to be honest she was glad as Wes had taken to walking up and down her floor in the hopes of seeing her. So far he had only seen Harry and Draco.

She didn't get much of a say. Harry suggested it and Draco, Blaise, Theo and Ron thought it was genius so she was moved. She still stayed in her trunk, much to McGonagall's dismay but she liked her privacy and she really didn't see the problem. Her trunk was put back in her old room and unbeknownst to the Headmistress, Harry had insisted that Ginny take her old bed.

Thank Merlin, Ginny and Astra got on well. They would sit in her apartment to study or hang out. Atlas loved the attention.

One particular Wednesday evening, everyone was in the trunk, so much so that Hermione and Astra had worked on adding a bit more space, another couch and an armchair.

They frequented her trunk so much Astra was considering getting a doorbell.

Astra was finishing off an essay for Charms with Draco, Harry and Ron as Blaise and Theo playing chess and Hermione and Pansy were trying to teach Atlas some tricks. Maddi and Ginny were chatting about clothes.

"So we have had no more Goyle sightings?" Ron asked looking up from his paper, his face frowning, clearly bored with his work.

"Nope," Ginny huffed. "Both Astra and I are still alive and unharmed and yet you lot, our parents and the professors are still insisting on guarding us everywhere we go."

Astra could understand Ginny's frustration. "Yesterday, Roberts wasn't going to let me use the bathroom because there were no female guards to escort me. He asked me if I could hold it!"

"And I bet you had some choice words for him?" Draco smirked.

"I was nice. I just told him I envied anyone who hadn't met him. But he didn't understand it so I just told him that he was the reason the middle finger was invented." She shrugged.

"That's my girl," Draco and Harry said together and then gave each other odd looks.

"Well this just got interesting," Ginny said abandoning her conversation and smirking at the boys.

"Hey she's my sister, she's related to me," Harry said as if that was supposed to settle the argument before it started.

"Bless your, little delusional heart," Draco said ruffling Harry's hair. "She is in love with me, she sleeps with me and I am the one to give her plenty of or-"

"OK!" Astra said lunging herself at Draco and knocking him out of his chair. "Time for dinner, who is hungry?"

The whole room erupted into fits of laughter. All bar Harry who looked horrified. Astra helped Draco to his feet. "Sorry honey, I don't know what came over me," she faked innocence.

"That would be me," he smirked again.

"Aw sweet fucking wand dust man!" Ron scrunched up his face. "I could have gone a lifetime without hearing that."

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