74. Christmas Morning

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Christmas morning was a little gloomier than Astra had intended. And she wasn't just talking about the weather. She woke up in a bad mood, and Draco, who had slept on the floor woke up looking like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.

"Good morning," he said as she began to move around.

She peered over the edge of the bed at him. He clearly hadn't slept much. Just like herself. "Morning Draco."

He sat up and looked up at her. "Astra?"

She squeezed her eyes shut. She didn't want to argue.

"Yes Draco?"

"Can we talk?" He asked nervously. "I want to clear the air. You have an amazing Christmas Day planned and I don't want to bring it down with my bad mood."

She sighed knowing he was right. So she swung her legs over the bed and sat on the floor next to him. He put the throw he had used over the pair of them and pulled her into his side. She didn't argue. She didn't move away. She didn't do anything.

"I am sorry for being a twat. Of course, I didn't mean that you had to change. I just wanted Pansy to help you so that you knew what to expect from this ball. You knew what needed to be done. They aren't exactly a barrel of laughs. There are certain...expectations. I just didn't want you to be overwhelmed. People expect the Malfoy's to show the best of class, poise, elegance and grace. All eyes will be on you."

"You are not exactly making me feel any better," she mumbled.

He face palmed his forehead. "I don't know what is wrong with me. I keep fucking up and I don't want to. I want this Christmas to be special. Our first Christmas together. Our only Christmas before our baby arrives, where it's just you and me. Next year will be special of course as we will be a family but I want this year to be just as magical."

She smiled at him, knowing he was really trying.

"I just keep saying the wrong thing. I am all nervous around you and -"

"I make you nervous?" She smirked.

He sighed. "Of course you bloody do! Look at you. People literally call you an angel! And I am like the spawn of Satan. I am sorry. Yesterday... I don't know what came over me. Suddenly I couldn't trust my own thoughts. I swear that place is emotionally draining and sucks the souls out of you."

She smiled and leant her head on his shoulder. "Good thing, I love you."

He kissed her head. "I love you. You are my everything. I am so sorry Astra. I am a fucking idiot. It's me who needs to change not you. I get jealous and insecure so easily. I always say the wrong thing. Maybe I need the lessons more than you do."

She sighed. "Draco the last thing I want is to embarrass you. If you want me to take lessons with Pansy I will. I just....never realised before that I wasn't...well proper." She didn't want to make a good of herself and embarrass anyone.

Draco took her hand leaning into it and closing his eyes. "I am a fuckwit!" He knelt on the floor in front of her. "You are perfect and everyone loves you. You're charming and sweet and polite. Please ignore what I said last night. I'm sorry I ever said it."

She looked up at him as he leaned into her - about 90% of the way but she just smirked and pulled him towards her, cementing their lips together. It was like they had been missing each other for weeks. Suddenly she needed him, craved him and he her. He held her tightly to him as if she was going to disappear.

"I have been wanting to do that since yesterday," he chuckled, leaning his forehead against hers.

There was a loud squeak as Atlas protested at being caged up. Draco chuckled. "Good morning buddy," he called to the other side of the room.

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