71. Put A Pin In It

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Chapter 74

The rest of the clan arrived back just before dinner and Astra and Maddi headed downstairs with their stomach's rumbling. Remus, Sirius and Severus were all standing in the kitchen smiling as they each tackled one food item each. They were having steaks tonight and Remus was cooking them just how everyone liked theres, as Severus was stirring a few different types of sauces and Sirius was making boiled potatoes and chips while Esme was making a salad and setting the table using her wand.

"Do you want to call everyone in?" Remus said to Astra as Maddi was tackling Teddy into his high chair. He was squealing with delight, straightening himself up to make it harder for Maddi to put him in. Astra headed into the living room to see Draco was sitting in the living room with his mother and Andromeda, all huddled in the corner whispering. His mother looked very annoyed.

"Sorry to interrupt," she squeaked and Draco's heads snapped up.

"What?" Draco barked.

Atsra was taken aback. "Oh....em....dinner is ready," she said before turning, catching Draco's eye as his face fell, realising his mistake. She hurried into the kitchen and made sure to sit between Severus and Sirius. Astra had been so busy making sure he couldn't sit next to her that she never thought about the fact that he would be sitting opposite her.

Remus finished off everyone's steaks and passed them out while everyone else filled their plates and began to eat. Astra remained very quiet and looked around listening to everyone as she ate, not looking to Draco but knowing that he was watching her. It was becoming annoying.

"What do you think Astra?"

She jumped and dropped her fork. Everyone was now looking at her. She picked up her fork blushing. "Sorry.....I was lost in my own thoughts. What were we talking about?" She looked between everyone.

But it was Draco who answered. "We were talking about all opening one gift after dinner. It's a tradition in Maddi's house on Christmas Ev-"

"Yeah, that's a lovely idea Maddi," she said smiling to her best friend." She stood up and took her wand out, making her dish rinse and clean itself. "I need to bring my gifts down and put them under the tree," she smiled as she headed out of the dining room and upstairs. She was feeling dizzy again.

And nauseous.

She just managed to make it to her en-suite before throwing up, completely emptying her stomach of all the food she had just ate. It was vile. She could feel the sweat building up on her forehead which felt heavy and achy. She simply felt horrendous.

"Astra, we need to talk about - hey are you OK?" Draco said sounding angry when he stepped into the room but as he saw her bent over the toilet bowl something changed. He could hear the retching and could smell the vomit....and it broke his heart.

This girl, was having his baby and was going through pain, nausea, dizziness, and headaches all day every day. And nothing had changed in his life. And he had spent the day snapping at her and insulting her. Even going as far as to convince himself the baby was not his.

Fuck he was an idiot.

"Baby," he said coming into the en-suite. He pulled her hair back and knelt down next to her as more retching and vomit came out. "Oh baby, are you OK?"

"I am currently vomiting and feel like I have been hit by a bus," she growled. "What do you think?"

Draco grimaced and leaned across her putting the tap on. Astra wasn't sure what he was doing until he brought a cold, wet facecloth to her forehead. She hated to admit it but the cloth felt amazing on her skin.

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