62. Home Sweet Home

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Astra said her goodbyes the following morning to the gang. Professor McGonagall had allowed Astra to travel by floo rather than the train. She wasn't sure she would make it the whole way to London in one piece. Thankfully her friends had bought her story that she was heading with Snape so she didn't need the train.

"You better come and visit me," Pansy smiled as she hugged her. "I am going to miss you Angel. My little Gryffindor."

"I will see you soon, Pans," Astra hugged her. "You have to let me know how you get on with Theo and your dad." She winked at her.

Theo then scooped her into his arms. "Alright troublemaker," he chuckled. "I will see you soon."

"Of course you will," she giggled before Blaise took her out of his arms and hugging her himself. "I will miss you Mr."

"You will be seeing me soon enough," he chuckled. "I am going to be spending a few days with Maddi over the holidays and I hear she is coming to visit you. Would you mind if I tagged along?"

"Are you kidding? Of course not," she kissed his cheek.

"Would you put my girlfriend down?" Draco rolled his eyes. "You have your own."

Blaise sighed happily and sat Astra on her feet. She turned to Harry. "So you are coming to spend Christmas with us right?"

"Sirius and I will be there tomorrow," Harry nodded. "I have a bit of last minute shopping to do and we will join you in the afternoon."

"Draco too," she smiled. "I am very excited to spend Christmas with my brother."

"And I am really looking forward to spending it with you," he smiled and kissed her forehead. "You sure you can't come on the train?"

"No, I need to get home and get things sorted. Not much point in me getting the train while Snape uses the Floo and gets there before me, is there?" She asked.

"Suppose not," he pouted.

"Quit that!" she warned. "I will see you tomorrow you idiot." She hugged him again.

She quickly hugged everyone else before turning to Draco. "Don't go forgetting me," he smirked as he leaned in and kissed her.

"Never," she promised.

"I really don't think I can endure so many hours on the train without you there," he frowned.

"You have done it many, many, many times before. You will be fine," she assured him. He was being overly dramatic. Chances are he would sleep anyway so he wouldn't need anyone to keep him company. "Go and enjoy your time with your mother."

"You know she is just going to pester me about you?" Draco would bet his trust fund that she was already organising baby showers and pulling out this old baby things for them. His mother wasn't kidding when she said she was ready and excited to become a grandmother.

"So you're annoyed because you will have to talk about someone besides yourself? I know how much that must wound your ego, sweetheart."

Draco pinched her hip. "Smart ass!"

"I love you," she smiled up at him.

"I love you too you bloody idiot," he chuckled.

"Alright someone break them apart or we will all end up missing the train," Ginny called back. "You love him and he loves you. We get it. It's bloody adorable. Now let's get a move on people."

Astra laughed as Draco grabbed her for one last kiss before he jumped onto the carriage and leaned out waving at her until she was out of sight.

The boy was whipped.

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