79. Party Time

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"I still can't believe you are married," Ron chuckled as he toasted the bride and groom with his glass of Firewhiskey.

"I know it's mad," Maddi smiled. "But I have never been happier."

"You both look truly blissful," Hermione giggled. "I am delighted for you both."

"I am sure you would have preferred a big do and celebration," Astra frowned. "I am sorry that was taken away from you."

"Not a bit," Maddi said taking her best friend's hand. "Astra this has been bloody perfect and given that you put it together in under two hours I think you did amazing."

"Phenomenal!" Blaise laughed. "Our friends are here and our - well the good parts of our families. That is all we would have wanted for our special day. It has been amazing. You did wonderfully."

"It was a group effort really," Astra blushed. "Everyone loves you both and wanted to pitch in and make sure it was an unforgettable night."

"I think I know who will be the next to get engaged," Theo smirked gesturing out on the dance floor at Harry who was spinning Ginny around in his arms.

"Don't be so sure," Hermione winked at Astra who blushed.

"Well before I have a slice of cake, I think my little miracle worker deserves another spin on the floor," Draco said standing and holding out his hand to Astra.

Pansy however was the one to take it. "Why Draco, I thought you would never ask." She pulled him onto the floor before he could object.

"Come on Mrs Zabini. Lets show 'em how it's done," Theo laughed as he took Maddi by the hand and off to the floor.

"Time for a dance, Mr Weasley," Hermione said grabbing him by the collar as he tried to escape

"Angel, would you do me the honours?" Blaise asked as he held his hand out to her.

"I would be delighted, good sir," she giggled as they headed out to the middle. Pansy was laughing at Draco for 'pouting' as they past. "I am so happy for you and Maddi, Blaise."

There was a twinkle in his eye. "Thank you, Angel. I will never be able to thank you for what you did for us. I thought I was losing her and instead you turn it around so she is tied to me for the rest of my life. I am so lucky to have you both in my life." Astra chuckled. "I mean it. I know that we were dickheads for trying to befriend you to make us look better but I am so fucking glad we did. I cannot imagine my world without you and Maddi in it. Angel, you saved my life, saved everyone's lives, you are always there when we need you. You are a true blessing. You mean so much to me. You are like a sister."

"Good, because the feeling is mutual. You and Theo are like brothers to me."

"My mother is going to disown me for this so you are the only family I will have. Besides my wife."

"I am sorry that she is going to miss out on your wonderful life Blaise. But she is the one who should be sad. She tried to control you and tried to jeopardise your happiness and there was no way I was allowing that. You mess with my family - you mess with me!"

Blaise smiled as he swung her around. "I am delighted for you and Draco by the way."

Astra gasped. "How did you -"

"He told me. Couldn't help it, it almost burst out of him," he chuckled.

"But today is your day. He should have kept his mouth shut," she rolled her eyes.

"No he only made it better. I am delighted for you. There is no one more deserving or more destined to be a parent than you. Draco may think he is a big bad, bully but really he is a vulnerable old soul who just wants a wife and kids. A family of his own. And you are giving it to him. He adores you. Worships you. I know that he had issues expressing himself. He gets so worked up that he might say the wrong thing that it's all he says. But you have patience with him and you bring out the best in him. I will be forever grateful that you came into his life when you did. You saved him – in more ways than one."

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