Yoongi. 15 Ending B

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It was late the next Saturday morning when Yoongi walked out of his home studio with a smile on his face and walked into the room she was working in.

- Do you remember that I told you that when we talked in Japan many things were happening? Today I can confirm that one of them has turned out well. I have formally been invited to attend an NBA exhibition game as a famous star.

- Where are you going to get the time?

- We go. It will only be a couple of days. We will have a good time, it will be like remembering our first trip to Tokyo with a memorable New Year's Eve.

- Are you talking about the rest of the members or me?

- I had a great time with them, but the memorable part was because of you, of course. - he chuckled.

- But I can't go, I can't miss work.

- It's only two days. Can't you ask for two days off?

- As is the relationship right now with my company, no, I can't, and you know it. And you, who always have such an intense schedule, should understand it.

- I can ask them again as part of your job. That time, your field study was successful, if I'm not mistaken, it was one of the reasons why you were Miss Winner.

- Since I said no to the promotion, I no longer work outside the country. I lost the crown of Miss.

- I dislike your company worse and worse, I hope our contract with them ends at once.

- In any case, you would be with your idols all day, I'd be totally out of place.

- You wouldn't because you're my couple.

- But I haven't been invited.

- Because you don't let me formalize it once and for all by making it public.

- That wouldn't change the fact that I would have to work anyway.

- Could it be that you just don't want to come? It's not that you're a basketball fanatic, you didn't even find time to practice for a week like I asked, although you did find it to go to the pool.

- Yoongi, when I went to the pool it was to relax. Taking a crash course in basketball and filming myself practicing it isn't exactly relaxing. But it doesn't matter, you go. Enjoy. Take advantage of doing things you like before going to the military service.

- Okay... I'll do it...- he said absently after being quiet for a while, looking at Y/N's desk full of papers and the blinking cursor on the computer screen. – Tomorrow I have to go out for a while, I'll go to BH to work, even if it's Sunday.

- Okay, I'll still be finishing this at home.

- Yeah...

- But tonight we can watch a movie or a series.

- Yes, of course... it's fine... I'll let you continue. I'll let you know when the food is done.

- Thank you.

Y/N looked at him. There was something strange in Yoongi's way of speaking, but she couldn't imagine what it could be.

When she woke up the next day, Yoongi had already left as he had told her, so she continued working. Shortly after lunch, he called her on the phone.

- Y/N, you like the egg tartlets they sell at the BH store, right?

- Of course I like them, how did you know?

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