Jin 15. Ending B

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For the next few days she couldn't concentrate and Mido noticed, so she called her at her office after work hours to ask her what was going on.

- It won't have anything to do with tomorrow's driving test, right?

- I think I don't want to hear Namjoon's answer. What I have to do is talk to my mother again, but without Jin finding out or he will know that I'm worried, although I can't lie to him either.

- Can't ask members for help? Yoongi? Jungkook?

- I would rather not to do it. Besides, the only thing the maknae should worry about outside of work is dating you.

- Aigo... don't anticipate events. But getting back on topic, it looks like I'm your only option. Tell him it's a business trip, I'll support you. You won't have to lie to him, because I sent you.

- The company...

- I'll tell BH the truth, that you has taken two days off for unavoidable personal matters. Let me do this for you, I still feel responsible for going to Itawon right after the last concert.

- So... you also think I should talk to my mother again.

- I dont know. It isn't for me to decide something as important as this.

She was thoughtful for a while, but in the end she agreed to Mido's proposal.

- I'm glad I could help you. And Y/N, for tomorrow's exam... fighting!

Although Jin didn't know because she wanted to surprise him, Y/N had enrolled in a driving school to learn how to drive after returning from visiting her parents. She didn't want to always leave the responsibility of doing it to him. As soon as she passed the exam, she came up to him at the end of a rehearsal and asked him to close his eyes as she led him out to the car in the parking lot. There, when she had placed him by the passenger door, she stood at the driver's door, asked him to open his eyes and give her the keys.

- Surprise!

- Do you have your license? But when have you gone to take the lessons?

- After work. You're so late from rehearsal that it gave me time to be at home when you did it so as not to arouse suspicion.

- You are one of a kind . - He said throwing the keys. - You'll see when Namjonah finds out.

On the way, she was so focused that she wouldn't even let him put on music and only spoke to him when they stopped at a traffic light.

- By the way, I have to go away for a couple of days, Mido told me.

- Wow, you even go on business trips. - Y/N bit her lip, not daring to correct him. - Now you can even rent a car for that if you need it.

She nodded without adding anything else as soon as the light turned green.

She took the first flight to arrive a little before her mother stopped working so she could watch her without being noticed. When she came out of the ocean and saw her daughter, she couldn't hide her amazement.

- No news from you for years and now you come twice in one month. I see you're alone this time.

- Please, I need to talk to you.

- Again? Has anything changed these days? - she nodded - Very well then. Let me take a shower first. Have a seat.

She sat down as her mother told her, and while her mother was washing up, she looked around, something she hadn't done the last time she'd been there. She felt as if that house hadn't changed in years, even the photos of her were from when she was little, many years before she went to study in the capital.

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