Lunch with Grandma part 2

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug for her help with writing this

Kamala looks and she sees Lexie has unlatched, "Honey, can you please get me a burp cloth, Lexie's unlatched, Bella's still nursing, and yes Mommy they do need their shots, Mommy, Lexie learned something new today, hopefully she will show you after we are done eating lunch"

Doug- "of course, let me burp her"

Kamala- "okay, I still need the burp cloth, Bella just unlatched"

Doug gives Kamala the burp cloth and he puts the burp cloth on his shoulder and puts Lexie on his shoulder and rubs her back and she burps a few minutes later she also spit up a little bit on the burp cloth. "That was a good burp Lexie"

Kamala snaps her tank top, and she picks Lexie up and gives her to Doug, while she puts the burp cloth on her shoulder and she rubs her back and a few minutes later she burps and she spits up a little bit on the burp cloth. "That was a good burp Bella"

Kamala lays Bella down in her pack n play for her nap, "Bella you and Lexie are going to go in your pack n play for your nap I know you two are tired your rubbing your eyes and your yawning"

Doug puts Lexie down in her pack n play and he goes into the kitchen and sits at the table.

Kamala- "Mommy, thank you for bringing lunch, what did you bring"?

Shamalya- "vegetable spring rolls, sweet and sour chicken, crispy honey shrimp bowl, what would you like, and Doug what would you like"

Kamala- "I would like some sweet and sour chicken and a few shrimps and a spring roll, and some water to drink"
Kamala, Shamalya, and Doug sit down at the table for lunch.

Shamalya- "what did Dr. Robbins say at their checkup"

Kamala- "she said they are healthy and growing, they still sometimes have their days and nights mixed up, but they are getting better, they are sleeping around 3.5 hours at night, and they are up twice to nurse, and Bella weighs 11 pounds 8 ounces, and she's now 24.5" long, she can roll from her tummy to her back, and she can put her toes in her mouth, she learned how to do yesterday, Dougie was holding her while I folding laundry and he said look honey, Bella's got her big toe on her right foot in her mouth"

Shamalya- "I remember when you first learned how roll over, and put your toes in your mouth, you were so happy you learned something new, and then when Maya was born and the same age as Lexie and Bella and she was trying to roll over, you were trying to show her"

Kamala- "I was"

Shamalya- "yes you were, you were the best big sister, what did Dr. Robbins say about Lexie"

Doug- "she's growing, she's healthy, she weighs 10 pounds 14 ounces and is 23.8 inches long, and she learned how this morning to put her left big toe in her mouth"

Lexie- "da, ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba"

Kamala- "I love baby babbling, they are both doing it I wish I knew what they were saying"

Doug- "I agree with Kam, it's cute, but I have no clue what they are saying"

45 minutes later...

Kamala- "Honey, I'm going to go and get Lexie, I don't want her to wake Bella up"

Shamalya- "can I go and get her, I need some cuddles"

Kamala- "yes Mommy you can, be careful she got her shots today in her left leg, she may be grumpy"

Shamalya- "I will"

Shamalya gets up from the table and she goes and picks Lexie up from her pack n play "Grandma needs some cuddles from one of her granddaughters"

Shamalya's holding Lexie, "Lexie you are so cute, I see your Mommy got you dressed today, because your wearing one of your Giants' outfits"

Kamala giggles "yes Mommy I picked out their outfits today but Dougie got Bella dressed"

Lexie smiles and grabs Shamalya's necklace

Shamalya- "Lexie, we don't touch grandma's necklace, here's your rattle to hold"  Shamalya gives Lexie her rattle.

Lexie's rattle she's holding

Lexie's rattle she's holding

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