Opening Day part 3

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I want to thank KamalalovezDoug for her help with writing this💕

Kamala- "Meena, Leela's outfit matches Bella's, and yes he did"

Doug- "I knew Kamala wouldn't let me put her in all Dodgers clothes, so I put her in the outfit I bought her that has both teams on it"

Kamala- "Dougie's right"

Meena- "it does, they didn't have Leela's size in the same dress that Amara has on, but they did have the same one that Bella has on, so I bought it, and then I told you and I sent the picture and you said Bella and Lexie have the same one"

Meena- "Of course she was going to wear Giants clothes, she doesn't have any Dodger outfits, our family are all Giants fans"

Maya- "okay, are these Bella's diapers in the basket or are they Lexie's"

Kamala- "Bella and Lexie are both wearing preemie diapers at the moment so they share the same purple basket"

Maya- "Okay, Bella, I know you don't like this, but we have to change your diaper, a dirty and wet diaper I know it doesn't feel good"

Maya changes Bella's diaper and as soon as she takes off her shirt and unsnaps her onesie, and quickly changes her diaper, and cleans her and gets her dressed again before Bella can start crying. "Sis, what would you like for lunch, we brought shrimp pasta, Caribbean Chicken salad, and chicken tenders, and chips and salsa and a veggie tray with dip"

Maya is holding Bella on her shoulder. "Bella looks like she's ready for a nap"

Kamala- "I would like some shrimp pasta with some chips and salsa, and iced tea to drink Maya, she does looks sleepy,  aww Bella you do look sleepy on Auntie's shoulder"

Doug- "Honey, where are you going to eat"

Kamala- "at the table, where I'm sitting with Lexie, she's in the carrier I'm wearing, after I'm done eating, I will put her in her bassinet for her nap"

Amara- "Auntie, Baby, Baby, Mommy down"

Meena- "Amara are you all done with your lunch"

Amara- "yes"

Meena picks up Amara's high chair tray and unbuckles her seatbelt and puts her down on the floor.

Meena- "Auntie, I'm all done eating, and Leela is sound asleep in the pack n play, would you like me to hold Lexie while you eat lunch"

Kamala- "sure if you want to"

Meena- "I do, I need some cuddles from a newborn, Leela, only likes to be held when she's hungry or sleepy"

Kamala carefully takes Lexie out of the carrier she's wearing and gives her to Meena.  Kamala goes and sits next to Doug on the couch.

Amara is sitting on the floor playing with her blocks.

1/2 hour later...

Kamala is sitting next to Doug on the couch

Meena- "Auntie, look at the score, I put the game back on, Amara is playing with her blocks, and look the Giants just hit a grand slam we are winning 5-0"

Doug- "Meena, she's sound asleep on my shoulder, it's her nap time, and it looks like it's Amara's nap time too"

Meena- "yes its her nap time too, I can tell she's getting tired, "No Nap" play Auntie"

Doug- "Amara, Auntie's taking a nap, she's sleepy, and I can tell your getting sleepy too, how about I carry Auntie and I put her in bed, and you come with me, I will read you a book and then you and Auntie can take a nap"

Kamala and Doug's big surpriseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang