Lexie and Bella's visit to Mommy and Daddy's work part 3

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I want to thank KamalalovezDoug  for her help with writing this

Doug- "Bella was in her bassinet, sound asleep, we had the baby monitor with us so we knew if Bella got up"

Maya- "Lexie, as much I would love to hold you more Auntie's gotta go back to work, thank you for my cuddles though"

Maya gives Lexie back to Kamala. Kamala waves Lexie's hand, "your welcome Auntie, have a good day"

Kam - "Dougie, after we register Bella and Lexie for daycare it's nap time, I'm exhausted and I need food... can we order a carry out?

Doug- "sure what would you like? 5 mins before we leave I will call it in"

Kamala- "chilis please I want the Caribbean salad with seared shrimp, with chips and salsa, what are you getting"

Doug- "I'm going to get the shrimp tacos, no rice or beans though"

Kamala- "okay, let's go and get the tour of daycare first, then right before we leave you can call it in, please bring the diaper bag, incase Lexie or Bella need to be changed"

Doug- "okay"

~In the daycare~

Jill sees Kamala and Doug coming and she opens the door, "when you or Doug bring Lexie and Bella in the morning, the first thing you do is you sign them in, either myself or Ashley will be at the desk here to sign them in, and when you come to get them you will sign them out, and only the people you put on their contact card will be allowed to pick them up"

Kamala- "okay, I have all of papers in my office, I haven't read them yet"

Jill- "after you sign them in, Lexie and Bella have their own cubbies, and their own cribs, which I already put their names on it, their diaper bags, blankets, coats if needed, go in their cubbies, you will have to bring their own diapers, wipes, pacifiers, sippy cups/bottles all have to have their names on them. For pacifiers we ask they are are on a clip so it can go on their shirts, the clips do come off at nap time"

Kamala- "aww, Dougie, look they have their own cubbies, who will be with them"

Jill- depends how old they are when they come, if they are under a year they will be in the infant room, and that will be either Michelle or Courtney with them, if they are over a year then they will go in the toddler room and I'm in the toddler room, with Julia.

Doug- "okay, will they be with either Leela, or Mia"

Jill- depending on how old they are when they come here, they will either be with Mia, or Leela, all I ask is that you bring their diapers, wipes, pacifier, and blanket, and have their name on them their diapers can be in a ziplock bag with their name on it if you want to leave some here they will stay in their cubbies."

Kamala- "Ok, of course, that would be good, I will bring an extra box and keep them in my office, with their name on them along with the wipes container, can I bring the an extra container w/ their name on it, they can share the container of wipes"

Jill- "yes they can"

Doug - "that's good they will be with their friend or cousin"

Kamala- "Yeah that will be perfect."

Doug- "yes it will, I smell cupcakes"

Jill- "cupcakes?" she asked confused.

Kamala giggles "Jill where can I change Bella and Lexie they went potty and right now that's what it smells like when they are only on my milk"

Jill-"Oh right this way" shows her to a room where there is a change table, the diaper genie is on end of the table"

Kamala- "thanks"

Doug- "thanks"

Kamala- "Dougie, in the diaper bag is their diapers and wipes, can I have one, and Lexie's rash cream, she's red"

Doug smiles and holds Bella while she changes Lexie.

Lexie starts crying , Bella hears Lexie crying so she starts crying

Doug- "Bella, it's okay, your sister is getting her diaper changed, I know you both still get cold, when your getting changed, but this sounds your hungry cry"

Kamala "Bella I hear you, let me finish changing your sister, I know you want your lunch"

Doug- "Honey, let me finish changing Lexie, Bella wants you"

Kamala- "I'm all done, I wanted Lexie's cream to dry before I put her diaper on, she's not as red as she was earlier"

Doug- "that's good"

Jill- "Kamala if you want to feed Bella in the nursing room you can, it's in the newborn room, there a rocking chair and we can close the door, so you will have privacy"

Kamala- "Jill, thank you, Bella's hungry, and I'm all wet"

Jill show Kamala where the nursing room is. "Right in here Kamala, see here's the rocking chair, Doug, you and Lexie can sit on the couch that is also there and I put a few toys in there for Lexie to play with if she would like"

Doug- "thanks"

Jill closes the door to the nursing room.

Kamala sits down in the rocking chair and puts her feet on the foot bench, "Bella, I hear you, let mommy sit down and unsnap her shirt then you can have your milk"

Kamala unsnaps her tank top and Bella latches on and starts nursing, "much better Dougie, I was starting to hurt, after Bella's done with her lunch can we go home"

Doug- "yes we will when Bella's done with her lunch, I will call our lunch in and pick it up on the way home, and then after lunch, it's nap time"

Lexie who was sleeping is now trying to nurse on Doug's shoulder. "Lexie, I know you want Mommy, there's no milk on Daddy's shoulder"

Kamala giggles "let me have her"

Doug gives Lexie to Kamala and she unsnaps her other right strap and Lexie latches on and starts nursing.

Kamala- "much better, I was hurting, and even though Lexie's having her lunch, I knew Bella would want to eat soon, and thank you for bringing my pillow"

Doug- "you're welcome, I had Maya put an extra pillow in your office for when we are here with the babies"

Kamala- "Dougie, you're the best hubby"

Doug give Kamala a kiss on her head, I think after Lexie and Bella are done with their lunch I will call our lunch in and pick it up on the way home, I can tell you're getting sleepy"

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