Baby Time part 2

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Kamala- "thank you, tell them to hurry up, I'm hurting, strawberry jello please"

Lexie goes back to the nurses station, "Dr. Grey, Kamala's 4 and half centimeters and hurting, she wants an epidural"

Dr. Grey- "okay, I will call for one"

Meena "Auntie, how are you feeling"?

Kamala- "this freaking hurts, I need drugs now, this hurts worse then cramps do during my cycle"

Doug- "Meena, contraction"

Meena- "I see that, how far apart are they and how long are they lasting"

Doug- "they are 5 minutes apart, and they are lasting 45 - 90 seconds"

Kamala- "that one's over, Meena, I'm hurting, I need drugs"

Shamalya and Maya come into Kamala's room now "Kamala, how are you feeling"

Kamala (in tears) "I'm hurting mommy, I need an epidural, Dougie, rub my back, its hurting again"

Doug- "sit up let me sit behind you so I can rub your back"

Lexie comes back with Kamala's jello "Kamala, here's your jello and your epidural will be here with in the next few minutes"

Kamala- "Lexie, thank you, leave the jello on my table, can I have some water"

Lexie- "yes, I will get you some, do you want ice in it"

Kamala- "yes please"

Lexie- "I will be right back"

Lexie comes back in with Kamala's water, "I need everyone to leave except for Doug, so Kamala can get her epidural, you can come back in after"

Kamala- "thanks Lexie"

5 minutes later... Dr. Shepherd comes in, "did some one want an epidural?" 11:30 am 

Kamala- "yes!!!!!!"

Dr. Shepherd- "okay, I need you to sit up or lie on your side which is better for you?, if you sit up I need you to bend over on a pillow"

Kamala- "I will sit up"

Doug helps Kamala sit up and bend over on a pillow so that she can get her epidural.

Kamala has another contraction which is longer then the other one and more painful

Kamala- "Ow, Ow, Ow, Ow, this hurts"

Dr. Shepherd- "tell me when the contraction is over"

A minute and a half later...

Kamala- "ok, that one's over, that one hurt more then the last one and lasted longer"

Dr. Shepard- "I'm going to unsnap your gown, and I'm going to wash your lower back with a cold antiseptic, I need you to stay still while I put the the needle in your back, then I will snap your gown back up"

Kamala stays still while Dr. Shepherd puts the epidural in, "the medicine will start to work in the next 15 minutes. You can lay back down now."

Kamala- "ow, ow, ow, ow, this hurts, so much now all because of you"

Doug- "I love you, you're so beautiful, and your going to be the best Mommy to our babies"

A minute and a half later

Kamala- "that's one over"

Shamalya, Meena and Maya come back into Kamala's room.

Meena- "Auntie, how are you feeling now, and your gown is adorable"

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