Lexie and Bella's playdate part 4

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this

Doug starts to go into Lexie and Bella's room, and he sees the door is closed, "Kam"

Kamala- "yes Dougie, you can come in"

Doug opens the door and and he closes the door as soon as he walks in and he sits in the recliner next to Kamala, "Babe, I see Lexie wanted her lunch"

Kamala- "yes she did, while I was changing her she was crying, and looking at me, so I knew she was hungry, what's Bella's doing"

Doug- "sound asleep, what's wrong, you look like your ready to have a meltdown" Doug gets up and puts his arm around Kamala to comfort her.

Kamala sniffles "Dougie, they're growing up so fast, I'm not ready for them to sleep in their cribs at night, they are still up every 3-4 hours to nurse I do agree that they are too big for their bassinets, so can you please put their pack n plays in our room, we will get 2 more to keep in the family room"

Doug- "I know, they are growing up, but they will always need us, I think you are getting sleepy, I know when your tired"

Kamala sniffles- "yes they will, yes I am, how can I take a nap when we have company, it's Lexie and Bella's first play date"

Doug- "Honey, you can go in our room, and take a nap, I will watch the babies, I know Bella's going to want her lunch soon, and Lexie unlatched, let me burp her, and I hear Bella Bear, do you want me to bring her in here so she can eat"

Kamala- "yes please, can I have a burp cloth, your right, that's Bella Bear"

Doug- "here's the burp cloth, and I will be right back with Bella Bear, I love you, and here's " he gives Kamala a kiss

Kamala- "I love you too" she gives him a kiss

Kamala snaps her shirt up and she puts the burp cloth on her shoulder, and she picks Lexie up from the pillow and she lays her on her shoulder and rubs her back and a few minutes later she burps and she spit up a little bit on the burp cloth. "That was a good burp Lexie"

Lexie smiles and she tries to nurse on Kamala's shoulder. "Lexie, I think your still hungry, let Mommy unsnap her shirt then you can have more milk"

~Family Room~

Joe- "Jilly, Bella's up, can I pick her up" Bella starts crying

Jill- "yes, get her up, I smell pop corn, let me change her, then I will go and bring her to Kamala"

Joe gets up from the couch and picks Bella up from her pack n play, "Bella, I know your hungry I know your hungry cry"

Doug comes into the family room.

Doug- "Jill, I heard one of my princesses, and she's saying I'm hungry"

Jill- "you did, here she is"

Doug- "Hi Bella Bear, I know your hungry, we are going to see Mommy and Sissy, tell Jill, Joe, Ashley, Addison, Allison, you will see them later"

Bella's crying and then Addison hears Bella cry and she starts crying.

Doug waves Bella's hand bye and they leave

Ashley pics Addison up and sits on the couch and she unsnaps her shirt and lays Addison on her pillow and Addison latches on and starts nursing.

Doug and Bella go into her and Lexie's room.

Doug opens the door and then closes it when he comes in their room

Kamala- "there's my other princess, Lexie's almost done, Let me have Bella, I know she's hungry"

Doug gives Bella to Kamala and she lays her on the pillow, and Kamala unsnaps her tank top and Bella latches on and starts nursing. "Much better I was really full on the left side, while I was in here with Lexie, we were talking, well I was talking Lexie was having her lunch, let's try tonight to put them in their own pack n plays tonight because their bassinets are not safe for them, because they are rolling over and they could tip it over"

Doug- "we don't want that, I will take down their bassinets, and put their pack n plays in our room instead, and then we need to get 2 more for in the family room"

Kamala- "thank you, I ordered two more pack n plays at Target, while Lexie was nursing, and they are ready for pick up, would you mind telling everyone that I'm going to take a nap when Lexie and Bella are done with their lunch, I'm exhausted"

Doug- "no I don't mind, I will go and tell them then I'm going to take a nap with you, unless you want me to go to Target and pick up the pack n plays"

Kamala- "Maya said she would get them, I texted her, and asked her and added her name to the pickup order, I didn't sleep well last night night, I want you to hold me while I take a nap"

Doug- "of course I will hold you, I know you didn't sleep well you were tossing and turning a lot, last night, I know you were stressed about today"

Kamala looks and Lexie has unlatched "I was stressed, but it worked out, do you want to burp Lexie"

Doug- "of course"

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