Talk with Auntie

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this

Lexie smiles and babbles "she slept most of the time, but she got up after Amara got her pull ups and while were in the baby aisle, I got the basket covers for the basket, when we go shopping or out to eat, and Lexie and Bella are in high chairs"

Meena is holding Leela and she starts looking at Meena, "Leela, I know what you want, Auntie, can I use your pillow"

Kamala- "of course you can, I know what Leela's looking at"

Kamala gives Meena her pillow, and Meena unsnaps her tank top and she lays Leela on the pillow and Leela latches on and starts nursing. "Much better, I was getting ready to get my pump out and start pumping I was really full"

Kamala- "I know it hurts when you get full"

Meena- "it does, "someone needs to get changed, I smell popcorn, and it's not Leela yet"

Doug is holding Lexie, "it's Lexie, my arm is warm"

Kamala- "Amara, can you please get me a diaper and Uncle Doug a diaper, Lexie and Bella a diaper, and do you have to go potty"

Amara gets off her chair and brings Kamala and Doug a diaper and the wipes, and she takes off her shorts, "Amara do you need to go potty"

Amara- "yes, Auntie"

Kamala- "Amara, here's the potty chair you picked out, I'm going to put Bella on her blanket, and help you, can you pull down your pull up yourself, or do you need help"

Amara's crying "wed"

Kamala- "Amara, it's okay, you're learning, come here, Auntie's going to clean you clean, Dougie, can you watch Lexie and Bella, I'm going to go in Lexie's room with Amara, to change her and comfort her"

Meena- "thank you Auntie, I can't get up at the moment"

Doug- "of course, I'm going to change Lexie first"

Kamala- "okay, Amara, come with me"

Kamala and Amara go into Lexie and Bella's room, she has a new pull up with her and a different pair of shorts.

In Lexie and Bella's room, Kamala is sitting on the floor with Amara and she closed the door, "Amara, come here, Auntie's going to dry your tears, it's okay you had an accident, you're just learning to be potty trained, that's why you're wearing pull ups, you knew you were wet"

Amara sniffles

Kamala dries Amara's tears, and gives her a hug, let's put on a dry pull up, and then if it's okay with Mommy, I will make you your favorite dinner, please don't feel bad, everyone has accidents when they are learning to be potty trained, even Mommy and Nana had accidents come here and give Auntie a hug, and let's get you into a clean pull up, and we will put your shorts back on. I love you so much"

Amara- "I love you too" she gives Kamala a hug

Kamala- "are you feeling better now"

Amara- "yes, toy, Lexie, Bella"

Kamala- "yes, you can give Lexie and Bella their toys that we got them when we were at Target"

~In the family room ~

Meena just changed Leela's diaper and she's crawled over to the stacking blocks and started playing with them. When Kamala and Amara come back into the family room.

Kamala- "Amara, here's the two toys you picked out for Lexie and Bella do you want to give them to them"

Amara- "yes"

Amara walks over to where Lexie and Bella are on their tummies having tummy time"

Amara- "Lexie, toy" "Bella toy"

Kamala opens the toys and she gives them to Amara

Amara gives one toy to Lexie and to Bella

Toys that Amara gives to Lexie and Bella

Lexie takes the toy Amara gives her and she holds it and she smiles, Bella also holds the rattle

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Lexie takes the toy Amara gives her and she holds it and she smiles, Bella also holds the rattle.

Amara- "Mommy, chicken nuggeds Auntie"

Meena- "yes Auntie can make you some chicken nuggets, are you feeling better now"

Amara- "yes"

Kamala gets up from the couch where she was sitting and she goes into the kitchen, and makes Amara her chicken nuggets.

Doug notices that Lexie is almost asleep and he puts her on her back, then he puts Bella on her back, when she drops her rattle as well.

Maya comes into the family room with Christina.

Amara- "Nana, Big giwl pands"

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