1 month well baby visit part 3

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*I want to thank KamalalovezDoug for her help with writing this*

Kamala- "Cake!!!"
Doug- "there's that smile I love thank you Maya for cheering up my adorable wife"

Maya- "anytime, can I hold Bella, I see she's up, while Kamala eating her cake"

Doug- "of course, you can pick her up, Lexie is napping, she always does when she goes in the car, Bella usually sleeps in the car too, but she's awake"

Maya- "aww look at you, what did Dr. Robbins say at their checkup"

Kamala- "Maya thank you for getting my ice cream and cake"

Maya- "you're welcome, Leela's on the same drops, Meena gives her 1 drop before she starts nursing in the morning, do you have the drops or do you want me to get them for you or is Doug going to get them"

Doug- "I can go and get them after we have lunch"

Kamala- "thanks Dougie"

Maya- "Lunch is ready, and I think Bella wants her lunch, I know what she's looking at"

Kamala- "come to Momala, I know what you want, and my shirt is all wet, this is so embarrassing"

Maya- "Sis it's okay, all mommy's have had this happen, at least you are at home, and not at school like when it happened to me with Meena when I had to take a test"

Kamala sits down in her recliner and unsnaps her tank top and Bella starts nursing. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know that happened to you"

Maya- "yes it did I always tried to feed Meena before class but this one day Meena decided as soon as class started she decided to show everyone how good her lungs were so I got up and went into the daycare that was at school and I fed her"

Kamala- "Aww i'm sorry sis"

Maya- "How did their check ups go"

Kamala- "they are growing, Lexie weighs 5 pounds 8 ounces, and she's 20 inches, Bella is 5 pounds 11 ounces and she's also 20" long, Lexie still needs preemie diapers, but they are starting to get small on Bella, so we are going to try newborn diapers on her, and see how they fit, if they are too big then we will go back to the preemie ones for both of them."

Doug wraps an arm around Kamala's shoulder and says "And we are both so proud of their progress isn't that right honey?"

Kamala- "yes we are, and I'm hoping they sleep a little bit longer for their naps, because Mommy needs a nap, and Bella's almost done with her lunch, I see she's starting to get sleepy"

Doug- "Yes she does daddy's orders."

Maya- "Sis, let me babysit them, you and Doug go and take a much needed nap, I can handle them, and Mommy said she would be coming over after work, she knows that they had their checkups and she wants to know how their checkups went"

Kamala- "thank you for babysitting, you want to burp Bella, and change her, she's all done with her lunch"

Maya- "of course, I do, you two go and take your nap, I will wake you up when Lexie and Bella are hungry"

Kamala- "thanks Maya, and thank you for lunch"

Doug- "thanks Maya, we are going to bed"

Kamala snaps up her tank top and her and Doug go in there room and take their naps.

Maya has Bella and the burp cloth on her shoulder and she's rubbing her back very gently trying to get her to burp. "Bella, you have to burp then we are going to get your diaper changed" a few minutes later Bella burps. "That was a good burp Bella, let's get your diaper changed, and we will check on your sister"

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