Baby Time part 3

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1/2 hour later... 8:30 pm

Dr. Grey "Baby is at the cervix, so we're gonna go ahead get you ready to push." Dr. Grey began putting her gloves on as she got settled. Doug started to rub her back as she breaths out once more.

Kamala began squinting her eyes and pushed as hard as she could "This is all your fault Dougie, you're never touching me again"

Lexie- "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10" Lexie said looking down at her vagina as Kamala breathed out, rest, on the next contraction, we are going to push again

Kamala- "ow!!! this hurts"

Doug- "You got this Honey, you're doing great now get ready." I rubbed her hand as she cried in pain.

Shamalya-  "you got this Kamala, you can do it, think about how much you want to hold your little girls, you can do it"

Lexie- "deep breath and push as hard as you can"

"Ah! It hurts so bad right now..." Kamala said whimpering.

Meena- "Auntie, I know this hurts, but you can do this think about how much you want to hold your babies

Maya- "Kamala, I know it does, now be strong okay... And push..." 1, 2, 3....Kamala began screaming and crying as the pain became too severe for her, I can even feel her hand squeezing me tightly as if she's taking the life out of me."

"Kamala look in the mirror... There she is, I can see her head a little popping out." Lexie said as Meena and Doug were looking at the mirror  "Your doing a good job Kamala, keep pushing, give me your hand I want you to feel your baby's head"

Kamala gives Lexie her hand and she feels one of the babies head

Dr Grey began setting up the baby medical supplies as Kamala kept on pushing.  "It hurts, it hurts! Ah!" She whimpered and she pushed until she looked down and saw the other baby's head sticking out as everyone smiled.

Kamala- "its burning, owe owe, owe, owe"

Doug- "Honey, you can do this, one more push and the 2nd head will be out, look in the mirror"

Dr . Grey- "There she is Kamala, one of the baby's head is out okay...You see her?" Dr Grey gently held on the baby's head Kamala looked down.

"Oh Dougie, she so adorable...." Kamala looked in awe while breathing. 

Kamala- "I can't push anymore, I can't it hurts to much"

Dr. Grey- "Kamala, on the next contraction, I want you to push and baby's shoulders will be out, and both of your girls will be out and you can hold and bond with"

Doug- "Honey, yes you can one more push and both of our little girls will be here, I know you can do it, I love you so much"

Shamayla- "Kamala, you can do this, I know you can, just think how much you want to hold your little girls"

Dr. Grey- "Here she comes, get ready." Maya said rubbing her sister's back as Kamala pushed for the final time. I watched carefully as Kamala screamed in pain once more finally letting it all into the open as Dr. Grey grabbed one of our daughter's body as she finally came out from Kamala's vaginal canal.

Baby starts crying 8:40 pm

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Baby starts crying 8:40 pm

Lexie- "Congratulations, it's a girl!" as Kamala cried tears of joy as she held our daughter on her chest making skin to skin contact. "Hey there baby, aww..." Kamala cooed as Maya cried happily hugging her daughter Meena.

Shamayla- "both of my grand daughters are here, congratulations Kamala"

Doug gives Kamala a kiss on her forehead, "I knew you could do it Honey, I love you"

Kamala- "all of the pain I went through is worth it, I love you too Dougie"

Doug then takes a picture of Kamala holding their daughter

Christina- "Doug, come here and cut the cord between the clamps"

Doug cuts the cord and Christina places the baby on Kamala's chest for skin to skin and Christina cleans her off.

Christina- "I need to take her and weigh her and measure her and do her checkup,

Kamala- "how much does she weigh? how long is she?

Christina- "5 pounds 5 ounces, 19 inches long, and like her sister I gave her a shot of of  this is to help with blood clotting, and Because bacteria is in the birth canal can infect a baby's eyes, your baby will be given antibiotic eye drops to prevent an eye infection.

Dr Grey delivered the placenta finally finished with the birth

Maya- "Congratulations Sis"

Meena- "Congratulations Auntie!"

Shamalya- "Congratulations Kamala & Doug, My little girl is a Mom herself, I'm so proud of you, you had two babies at the same time"

Kamala's in tears- "thank you Mommy"

Doug- "Thank you"

Christina brings one baby and gives her to Kamala "here one of your babies,  Lexie has the other one do they have names yet?, Kamala, I need your arm, so I can put the security bracelet that are on the babies, you get matching bracelets, all 4 of you have matching bracelets"

Kamala gives Christina her arm, "Hey baby girls, it's mommy and daddy." I reached out my finger, the baby grabbed on firmly gripping it. Doug kissed Kamala on the cheek, yes their names are Isabella Grace and Alexis Marie"

Christina- "Kamala, the bracelet that I just put on your arm is linked to the 2 that are on Alexis and Isabella have two bracelets on them, one is on ankles, and they are marked with a 5 digit code, it will be checked every time you leave your room, and when you are the babies are released to go home.

Kamala- "okay,  Doug has the same bracelet, I don't see it on his arm"

Christina- "he has one, his is a little different, his has the same info as yours on your hospital bracelet, his says dad on his Doug, I need your arm as well, so I can put on your bracelet"

Doug gives Christina his arm and she puts on his bracelet as well.

Lexie- "Maya, Meena, and Shamalya I know you want to stay but its the golden hour and its for Kamala and Doug to bond with Isabella and Alexis, you can come back in an hour to visit"

Shamalya- "okay, we will be back"

Maya- "Congratulations Sis and Doug we will be back"

Kamala- "thanks"

Doug- "thanks"

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