Lexie and Bella's 4 month well baby visit

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this

Doug- "yes we will and yes you will get your ice cream and chocolate cake and I will comfort all 3 of my girls"

Kamala- "you're the best hubby and the best daddy, we are so lucky to have you, I love you so much" she gives Doug a kiss

Doug- "I love you too, you're my soulmate, best friend" he gives Kamala a kiss.

Kamala looks and she notices that Lexie has unlatched, "Dougie, I need a burp cloth please, Lexie just unlatched"

Doug- "let me have her, I will burp her, then I will change her, and what are we doing for dinner"

Kamala picks Lexie up and she gives her to Doug. "here's Lexie, and Bella just unlatched as well, I will burp her"

Doug- "okay, what are we going to have for dinner"

Kamala- "let me change Lexie, then I will go and see what we have"

Doug- "okay"

Kamala puts the burp cloth on her shoulder and then she puts Bella on her shoulder and she rubs her back and she burps a few minutes later and she spits up a little bit on the burp cloth, "that was a good burp Bella"

Doug- "Lexie is having fun with the toys on her baby play gym and look she's rolling to get her elephant rattle"

Kamala is changing Bella's diaper, "ma" "ba" "da"

Kamala- "Bella, I know you want down, Mommy's almost done changing your diaper, let me snap your onesie"

Doug- "Honey, your Mom is here, she has food with her"

Kamala- "let her in"

Doug- "I am"

Doug opens the doorway for Shamalya

Shamalya- "Hi Lexie, Hi Bella, Hi Doug, I bought dinner for you, and Kam"

Kamala picks Bella up from the changing table, "Mommy what did you make"

Shamalya- "homemade orange chicken, with rice and steamed veggies"

Kamala- "thank you Mommy, I know you want cuddles from Lexie and Bella and they want to show you what they learned today, you can put the orange chicken in the kitchen, we are going to have that for dinner"

Lexie babbles and Bella hears Lexie, she starts babbling

Shamalya- "What did they learn, and yes of course I need cuddles, but I want to see what they learned to do first"

Kamala- "they learned how to roll from their back to their tummy"
Doug puts Bella on the floor on her tummy time mat and he sits on the floor with her.

Kamala- "Mommy look at Bella, "you can do it Bella, you did it earlier, show Grandma what you learned today"

Kamala puts Lexie on the floor on her baby play mat, Lexie is playing with her baby play gym, when she sees the elephant rattle next to Doug, and she wants it, "Lexie, you can get the elephant rattle which is next to Kamala, I know you can"

Bella rolls to get her rattle "yay Bella you did it, Grandma is so proud of you"

Lexie sees Bella roll and she rolls from her back to her tummy she stretches her arms and she gets the elephant rattle, and she smiles.

Shamalya- "yay Lexie you did it, I knew you could, who rolled first and when"

Kamala- "Bella did, before their playdate today, she was in her pack n play for their morning nap, and Lexie got up first and she was nursing, when Dougie went to get Bella out of her pack n play when she got up from her nap, he saw Bella roll from her back to her tummy"

Doug- "and Lexie and Bella can also hold their heads up while on their tummies and they can put their arms up while laying on their tummies and sit up only if there is a pillow behind them or if someone is holding them"

Shamalya- "Kam, you were sitting up with support at 4 months old as well, I know it's hard to watch your babies grow, but they will always need you, are they still sleeping in their bassinets, or are they in their cribs in their room at night"

Kamala- "they are in their pack n plays in mine and Dougie's room, I'm not ready for them to be in their room yet all night, they are up twice during the night to nurse, sometimes three times, it depends how hungry they are, and it's not safe for them to be in their bassinets anymore since they are rolling from their backs to their tummies, Maya is stopping at Target to pick up the two pack n plays I bought to keep in mine and Dougie's room until they go into their cribs all night, they take their naps in their cribs in their room, but not at bedtime I'm not ready for that yet."

Doug can tell Kamala is getting emotional and he puts his arm around her to comfort her.

Shamalya- "when you were 4 months old I had your crib in my room, so you were in your crib once you started to roll over, and you weren't safe in your bassinet"

Maya comes in a few minutes later, "Dougie help Maya with the pack n plays"

Doug- "of course"

Doug gets up from the floor where he is sitting and he opens the door for Maya and he carries one of the pack n plays into the family room. "Sis would you like me to put these in your and Doug's room and set them up, I also bought sheets for them"

Kamala- "yes please, Dougie help Maya, and thank you, how much do I owe you for the sheets"

Maya- "nothing, I wanted to buy them I know you have crib sheets, but I wanted to buy them for my adorable nieces"

Kamala- "thanks, when you come back I will tell you what Lexie and Bella learned today, but I think they will have to show you another time, Mommy has them and they are sound asleep on her shoulders"

Shamalya- "I needed cuddles"

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