Lunch with Grandma

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this

Doug is holding Bella, who is sound asleep on his shoulder" 

Dr. Robbins gives Lexie her liquid vaccine, "that's a good girl Lexie"

Kamala puts her pacifier in, and is holding her, and she gives her rattle.

Dr. Robbins gives Lexie her other shots, and as soon as she feels them she starts crying, "Lexie you were very good when you got your shots, and so was Bella, you both have Minnie Mouse bandaids on your legs"

Kamala's holding Lexie and trying to comfort her.

Dr. Robbins- "do you have any other questions for me"

Kamala- "I don't do you Dougie?"

Doug- "I don't"

Dr. Robbins- "I will see you all in 2 months then, if you have any questions call the office, or send me a message on my chart"

Kamala- "okay thank you"

Dr. Robbins leaves.

Kamala puts Lexie in her carrier and she buckles her seatbelt, and she gives her rattle to hold.

Doug- "Bella is in her carseat and she's all buckled up, and the diaper bag is packed, do you want to make their 6 month well visit before we leave, and you did very well when they got their shots, you will get your ice cream when we get home"

Doug gives Kamala a kiss

Kamala- "thank you, Lexie's all changed and she's ready to go home, Bella's probably hungry, but she's sleeping now in her carrier"

Doug- "yes she is, let's go home, I know your getting sleepy

Kamala- "let me make their 6 month appointment, then we are going home"

Kamala and Doug leave the exam room, and she makes Bella and Lexie's 6 month checkup.

~15 minutes later~

Kamala and Doug are at home, and Kamala looks and she sees Lexie is starting to wake up, and she picks her up from the carrier, and is holding her, Lexie is laying on Kamala's shoulder. "One of Mommy's princesses' isn't up yet from her nap"

Doug- "you look so adorable holding Lexie, Bella's sound asleep in her carrier"

Kamala- "thank you, and no she's not but almost, I don't want her to wake Bella up, I'm hungry"

Doug- "what does my adorable wife want for lunch"

Kamala- "antipasto salad with steamed pita"

Doug- "I will make it, what would you like to drink"

Kamala- "diet coke"

Doug- "okay"

Kamala looks and she sees Lexie's trying to nurse on her shoulder"

Kamala- "Lexie, let mommy unsnap her tank top, and you will get your milk, there's no milk on Mommy's shoulder"

Kamala gets her pillow and puts it on her tummy and she lays Lexie on it and she unsnaps her tank top, and Lexie latches on and starts nursing, and Bella wakes up and is crying. "Bella, I hear you but I can't get up to get you, your sister's having her lunch, Dougie, can you please bring me Bella she's hungry"

Doug- "of course, Bella, daddy's coming"

Doug dries his hands on the towel and comes into the family room, and he goes over to the coffee table where Bella's carseat is and he unbuckles her seatbelt, and picks her up, and brings her over to Kamala. "Here's Bella"

Kamala- "thank you"

Kamala lays Bella on her pillow and she unsnaps her tank top and Bella latches on and starts nursing. "Much better I was full"

Doug- "after Lexie and Bella are done with their lunch, do you want me to bring our lunch in here, or are we going to eat in the kitchen"

Kamala- "we will eat in here"

Doug- "okay, I will bring our lunch in here"

Kamala- "thanks"

Doug- "you're welcome, I will go and get our lunch now, did you know that your mom is here, I just heard her car door"

Kamala- "yes, she texted me while I was holding Lexie, she knew their checkup was today and wants to know how it went, hopefully Lexie will show her what she learned, but I'm not sure she will because I know their legs are hurting because of their shots"

Doug- "hopefully they won't get a reaction to their shots, but if they do we know what to do"

Kamala- "yes we do, can you please get my sandwich I'm hungry"

Doug- "of course, I see your mom has food with her, I'm going to and open the door for her"

Kamala- "thank you"

Doug goes and opens the door wall for Shamalya and takes one of the bags she has "Hi Shamalya"

Kamala- "Hey Mommy, you brought lunch, what did you bring and yes when Lexie and Bella are done with their lunch you can hold them, they had their 4 month well baby visit today"

Shamalya- "hi, yes I did, I stopped at P.F. Changs for lunch, I thought I heard them this morning at work, I hear babies all day at work, but I know what my granddaughters cries sound like"

Doug- "thank you, I was getting ready to make us lunch"

Shamalya- "let me help you set the table, I took this afternoon off, I know how well baby visits are, and how shots are not fun, but they are needed to keep them healthy"

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