Bella and Lexie visit to Mommy and Daddy's work part 4

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*I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this *

15 minutes later ...

Kamala- "Dougie, Lexie is done, can you burp her, Bella's almost done"

Doug- "of course, let me have her"

Kamala gives Lexie to Doug, with the burp cloth.

Doug puts Lexie on his shoulder with the burp cloth and he gently rubs her back and she burps a few minutes later "that was a good burp Lexie"

Kamala checks and she sees that Bella is done with her lunch as well. and she snaps her tank top and puts the burp cloth on her shoulder and then she puts Bella on her shoulder and a few minutes later Bella burps. "that was a good burp Bella"

Doug- "Honey, are you ready for lunch?"

Kamala- "yes call our lunch order in"

Doug- "okay I will"

Kamala gets up from the rocking chair and she had Bella, and Doug has Lexie, and the diaper bag"

Doug opens the door and him and Kamala and come out of the nursing room, and into hallway. 

Kamala- "Jill, thank you for telling me about the nursing room"

Jill- "you're welcome, it's there for all of the mommy's here who need it, Lexie and Bella look so adorable, but hard to tell them apart especially when they are wearing matching outfits, let's go in the newborn room, and sit in the rocking chairs. 

Kamala- "Thank you, I don't always have them in matching clothes, I can tell tell them apart"

Doug - "I can tell them apart, Jill, there are differences between Lexie and Bella right that Kam and I have noticed"

Jill- "what are those"

Kamala- "Lexie, likes to be in the baby carrier that you wear, and she loves to look around and hold onto her rattle, take her naps on my shoulder or on Dougie's, or who ever is holding her, she doesn't like to be in her bassinet if she's not sleeping and Lexie color is pink, I always try to have something pink on her"

Jill- "what are the differences with Bella"

Doug- "Bella loves to hold her toys, especially her rattles, and she doesn't really like to be in the baby carrier that Kamala and I wear, she loves to be in the baby swing, to look around, her favorite thing so far is to nap on anyone shoulder's, we try to have her wear something purple so you can tell her apart from Lexie"

Jill- "okay, that will help if they have on their colors"

Kamala- "I will try to have them wear their colors, when they come, their pacifier clips are in their colors though"

Jill- "thanks, and I see that some one is getting sleepy"

Kamala yawns "I am Jill, thank you for the tour, we are going to home now, I'm exhausted, I don't sleep much right now, either does Dougie"

Doug- "Jill, thank you for the tour"

Jill- "your welcome"

Kamala, Doug, Lexie, Bella leave daycare and go back into Kamala's office so they can get ready to go home.

~In Kamala's office~

Kamala- "Dougie, I need a nap, and I'm hungry"

Doug- "what would you like for lunch, I will get it, do you want want to take your nap here on your couch, Lexie and Bella can go in their carriers"

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