Grandma Babysitting part 2

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this

Doug comes back with the baby book, "Shamalya, Kam's right, I'm going to be working all week but when she's home I will be too, so I can help her"

Shamalya- "I had a feeling you were only going to be working part time, I want you to be happy"

Kamala- "Mommy I am happy, I love being a Mommy, and I know you did your best when Me and Maya were little and we were in daycare, because you had to work, I can stay home with Lexie and Bella, while they are little, and Dougie said it's my choice and what ever I decide he will support me"

Doug- "I did say that"

Shamalya- "I will support you too, you're my little girl, I know your married and a mom yourself, you will always be my little girl, and Maya too."

Kamala- "thank you Mommy"

Shamalya- "did you know that they were going to make those pictures today"

Kamala- "no I didn't, I was surprised when Jill said that they did art work today"

Shamalya- "are they going to daycare tomorrow"

Kamala- "no, I'm off tomorrow, I'm working 2 days a week, so I will go back on Thursday, Dougie is working tomorrow but here at home in the office"

Shamalya- "can I babysit while you and Doug go and have together tonight just the two of you"

Kamala- "what do you think Dougie?"

Doug- "I would like that, we need time for us"

Kamala- "we do need the time for us, and I don't feel like cooking tonight"

Shamalya- "I will make dinner for myself, where are you two going to go for dinner"

Kamala- "Panda Express, do you want us to bring you a carry out"

Shamalya- "yes please"

Kamala- "what would you like us to bring you, Dougie, write it down on my note screen on my iPhone"

Shamalya- "Honey walnut shrimp, with white rice, with an egg roll"

Doug- "okay, I wrote it down"

Kamala looks and she sees that Lexie and Bella have unlatched, she snaps up that straps on her tank top.

Shamalya- "can I burp Lexie"
Kamala- "sure  here's Lexie"  Kamala gives Lexie to her Mommy.

Shamalya has the burp cloth on her shoulder, and she lays Lexie on her shoulder, and she rubs her back and a few minutes Lexie burps, and she spits up a little bit on the burp cloth, "Lexie that was a good burp, now Grandma's going to babysit you and your sister so that Mommy and Daddy can go out for dinner"

Lexie smiles and babbles

Doug- "Honey, do you want me to burp Bella, while you get ready for dinner"

Kamala- "yes please, I have to change my nursing pads"

Doug puts the burp cloth on his shoulder, and then Kamala gives him Bella, and he puts her on his shoulder and he rubs her back and a few minutes later she burps and she spits up a little bit on the burp cloth.

Kamala- "Mommy, thank you for babysitting, I will be right back, Dougie then we can go out for dinner"

Doug- "okay"

Shamalya- "Doug, can I give Lexie and Bella their baths, when Kamala was their age she loved bath time, she loved to splash and get me all wet, but she had fun, and she got clean, when Maya was born, Kamala helped me give her a bath, even though Kamala was 2 and a half, she helped a little bit, she would bring me a diaper and the wipes"

Doug- "you can give them their baths, and it's funny that you said Kamala loved to splash you when she was their age in the bath tub, because Lexie loves to splash and so does Bella, either in the pool while in their baby floats, or in their baby bath tub, they get their baths in the kitchen sink at the moment, I will wash and Kamala will dry or Kamala will wash and I will dry"

Shamalya- "okay I will call Maya and ask her to come and help with bath time"

Kamala comes back into the family room a few minutes later, "Mommy, have fun with bath time, they love to splash, and sometimes they cry during bath time, are you sure you can handle both of them"

Shamalya- "yes I'm sure, I'm going to call Maya and see if she will come and help with bath time, I remember when Maya was born and you used to help me with her bath, even though you were 2 and a half, when I asked you to bring me a diaper and the wipes you did, and you tried hard to cheer Maya up when she would start crying"

Kamala- "I did, I don't remember when Maya was Lexie and Bella's age"

Shamalya- "you did, you were 2 and half when she was born, you wouldn't remember but I remember when Maya was trying to learn how to roll over, you were trying to help her by showing her how to roll over, and you tried to help her teach her how to crawl"

Kamala- "I did"

Shamalya- "yes you did, you were the best big sister"

Kamala- "I tried to be, even though when I got older, she was taking my toys"

Shamalya- "yes you two were both taking each other's toys, but that's what sister's do"

Kamala- "yes it is, I know Lexie will take Bella's toys and Bella will take Lexie's toys, they are kinda doing that now, but they don't realize what they are doing, they are now just starting to be interested in toys, especially rattles, and their links that are on their carseat and stroller"

Doug sees Kamala come back into the family room, and "Honey you look so beautiful"

Kamala- "thanks Honey, are you ready"

Doug- "I am, Shamalya, thanks again for babysitting, Lexie, Bella, both of you be good for Grandma and Auntie Maya, Mommy and Daddy will be back we are going out for dinner"

Shamalya- "of course they will be good, Auntie Maya is on her way  over to help with bath time"

Kamala walks over to where her Mommy is sitting on the couch and she gives Lexie and Bella a kiss on their foreheads.

Kamala and Doug leave.

Maya comes over a few minutes later.

Kamala and Doug's big surpriseWhere stories live. Discover now