Lexie and Bella's 1st playdate part 3

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this

Kamala, Doug, and Jill go into the kitchen, and they are all sitting at the table, having lunch. "Kamala, what did you make for lunch"

Kamala- "Dougie and I made pasta salad with shrimp in it"

Jill- "Kamala, thank you for inviting me, and Allison, and Addison over, I miss seeing you at work every day, but I understand why you are working from home"

Kamala- "you're welcome, and I miss the office, but I'm there a 1-2 days a week, and now that Lexie and Bella are starting to roll over and learn more things, I'm going to be working more at home, so that Dougie and I can see their milestones"

Jill- "it's your choice, it's your law practice, I get to see Addison's and Allison's milestones as well because they are in daycare with me"

Kamala- "I know they are with you, you get to see their milestones, you know how I'm feeling"

Jill- "I do, and that's between you and Doug, I've haven't had shrimp in pasta salad before"

Kamala- "really, I usually put it in mine, if I don't have then I will make it plain. I just heard a car door, it's either Joe and Ashley, or Julia with Sophia and Madison"

Jill- "I will go and check, can you please give me the recipe for your pasta salad"

Kamala- "of course"

Jill gets up to look, Joe and Ashley are here, I will go and tell them to be quiet, since all of the babies are napping"

Kamala- "thanks"

Jill gets up and she quietly goes outside on to the patio, and she sees Joe and Ashley coming in the backyard.

Ashley- "Mom, how's Allison, I know she's shy when she's around someone new but she knows Kamala and Doug, so I wasn't worried, but Addison just met them"

Jill- "they both are good, all of the babies are taking their naps, and Lexie and Bella are rolling from their backs to their tummies, and Addison's trying, Lexie and Bella are trying to teach her"

Ashley- "aww that so sweet, that her friends are trying, they are 2 weeks older then her."

Joe gives Jill a kiss and they all go inside.

Kamala- "hey Ashley, Joe, thank you for being quiet, it's nap time for the babies"

Joe- "I see that, look so cute Lexie and Bella are holding hands sorta"

Kamala gets up and looks over at the pack n play, "yes they are, they have been doing that lately"

Doug- "Julia's here, I just heard a car door, I'm going to go and help her with the kids"

Jill- "Kamala, thank you for lunch"

Kamala- "you're welcome, Lexie's up and I don't want her to wake up the other babies"

Lexie- "ma ma ma ma"

Kamala- "Lexie, Mama's coming"

Kamala gets up from her chair and goes into the family room, and she picks Lexie from the pack n play, "Lexie, let's get you changed, and then we will be back to play with your friends"

Kamala- "Lexie and I are going to get her diaper changed, and then we will be back" Kamala waves Lexie's hand bye

~Lexie and Bella's room~

Kamala lays Lexie down on her changing table, "Lexie, here's your elephant rattle you got when we were by Christina, Mommy gotta change your diaper, then we are going to play with your friends"

Kamala takes off her pants and unsnaps her onesie and cleans her with a baby wipe, and puts on her clean diaper, and she snaps her onesie, and washes her hands with the baby wipes and she puts the dirty diaper in the diaper genie.

Lexie starts crying

Kamala- "Lexie, I know your hungry, as soon as I get your diaper changed you will get your milk, I know your hungry"

Kamala picks Lexie up from her changing table and Lexie tries to nurse on her shoulder. "Lexie, there's no milk on Mama's shoulder, I know what you want"

Kamala closes the door, and she sits down in the recliner and she has her pillow, "Lexie, let me unsnap my shirt, then you can have all of the milk you want"
Kamala unsnaps her shirt and Lexie latches on and starts nursing. "There that's what you wanted"

~In the family room~

Jill- "Doug is Kamala alright, she was really quiet at lunch, and she's been in Lexie and Bella's room a while"

Doug- "she is, Lexie's probably hungry, and she having her lunch, I will go and check on them, can you watch Bella, she's sound asleep, I just checked on her"

Jill- "of course"

Doug- "I will be right back, I want to go and check on 2 of my girls"

Ashley- "okay"

Doug gets up and goes into Lexie and Bella's room.

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