1 month well baby visit part 1

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*I want to thank KamalalovezDoug for help with writing this it means a lot 💕

~April 10th~  6:45 am

Kamala and Doug are in bed, and she's nursing them.

Bella and Lexie are a month old and they have their 1 month checkup today.

Kamala- "Dougie, we have to get the girls ready in about an hour, they have their 1 month checkup today and they have to get 1 shot today, which they aren't going to like, we are going to need more preemie diapers for Lexie, Bella is wearing newborn already.

Doug- "yes we are we tried the newborn diapers on Lexie but they are too big on her. I noticed the last few days that Lexie's red when we change her, and it's her 3rd diaper rash, Bella's a little bit red, but not as red as Lexie"

Kamala- "I'm going to ask Dr. Robbins about that, Lexie seems to get them more then Bella, so I don't know if it's because she's more fussy lately, and she definitely loves to eat, they both do, but Lexie I think is having a growth spurt, Bella as well, I know baby have sensitive skin, Maybe Lexie is more sensitive then Bella, I will ask when we are at their checkup ."

Doug- "I think you might be right, I know last night, when we were up Lexie was more fussy, she didn't want to go back in her bassinet with Bella, every time I tried she looked like she was going to cry and I didn't want her to wake you and Bella up, so I was in the rocking chair with her, for almost an hour and a half, We are using baby lotion on them after their bath's"

Kamala- "I know, after I fed them, and I burped Bella, and you were burping Lexie, I went back to bed, you said you would be back in bed after Lexie burps, and she gets changed, but then I went to roll over about a half hour later, you weren't next to me, so I got up and I saw the light on in the family room, so I came in there, and you were in the recliner with Lexie on your shoulder, and she was sound asleep"

Doug- "yes, finally after Lexie saw you, I knew she was hungry, even though she wasn't crying, she was looking at you like Mommy I want milk"

Kamala- "yes she was, and she did want milk, as soon as I sat down next to you on the couch, she tried to nurse on my pj top before I could even unsnap the strap"

Doug- "yes after she burped and I changed her, I went to put her in her bassinet and as soon as I did and I washed my hands, I checked on her and Bella, and Lexie looked like she was going to start crying, I picked her up, and we came in the family room, and I was holding her, I tried putting her in the swing, which she liked for a few minutes, but then she I heard her cooing, and I didn't want her to wake you up, or Bella, I thought maybe she needs to be changed, I thought I smelled pop corn, and my hand was warm, when I changed her diaper,  all she did was pee, so I changed her, and then I gave her pacifier, which seemed to help for a few minutes, but then she was starting to cry, which is when you came in, and she saw you, and she was smiling"

Kamala- "yes that was at 2:30 this morning,  Bella just finished her snack, I was up at 2, with Bella, and I heard the tv was on, so that's why I came in here, the popcorn smell you smelled was Bella, that's when I saw the light on"

Doug- "you look so adorable, but so sleepy as well, I think after their checkup, and we have lunch, it's nap time for you"

Kamala- "I agree with you about nap time, I'm exhausted, but I wouldn't change anything, I love our babies so much, it's worth being exhausted and it doesn't hurt as much now for me to go potty, it still burns a little when I go pee, but nothing like it did, so I'm healing slowly"

Doug- "I noticed, your not crying as much when you have to go potty, which is good"

Kamala- "yes, it still burns a little bit when I pee, but it's much better then it was a month ago"

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