1 month well baby visit part 2

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Doug- "do you want me to hold Bella while you give her shot or have her lay on the table"

Dr. Robbins- "you can hold her, you can put her onesie back on though"

Doug puts Bella's onesie back on and snaps it up, while Dr. Robbins gives Bella her shot.

Bella cries when she gets her shot, and Doug is comforting her, "I know you didn't like that, but you need it to keep you healthy, Lexie has to get the same shot as you just did, your cousins Amara and Leela also had to get them, you want your pacifier, let Daddy get you dressed so you will be warm"

Dr. Robbins- "Doug, you can get Isabella, dressed, and she's healthy and everything looks good, now it's Alexis' turn to get weighed and her checkup"

Doug gets Bella dressed and he's holding her and he put her pacifier in and Bella lays on his shoulder"

Kamala- "Lexie it's your turn now let's see how much you weigh and you have your checkup"

Dr. Robbins- "Kamala, lay Alexis on the scale and we will see how much she weighs and I can look at her diaper rash and do her checkup, I need you to take off her pants and her diaper, would you like me to call Alexis Lexie, and Isabella Bella"

Kamala takes off Lexie's pants and unsnaps her onesie and then her diaper and she sees she's still really red.

Kamala- "it's okay princess, Mommy's going to lay you on the scale, and we are going to let Dr. Robbins look at your rash and hopefully tell me how we can make you feel better, and yes please that's what we are calling them"

Dr. Robbins- "Kamala, Lexie weighs 5 pounds 8 ounces, and she is 20" inches long, her lungs sound good, and she is red diaper rash is common in newborns, like Isabella she's now able to wear newborn diapers, I want you to keep using her rash cream and if it doesn't look like it's getting better in a few days call me and I will write her a prescription for a stronger cream, her rash is not infected, which is good, you can try newborn diapers on both of them, but if you see they are too big then go back to the preemie diapers"

Kamala- "okay that's good, we will try newborn diapers though, you want me to hold her while she gets her shot, and my baby is growing up so fast, please slow down"

Dr. Robbins- "yes you can hold her, and if you want like Bella, you can give her her pacifier if you want, after they get their shots, they could get a fever or be fussy, which is a good thing it means that their immune system is working and so are vaccines are working, if they do get a fever, some babies do, and some don't, take their temperature, and then if it's over 99 degrees, give them 1.25 ml of infants Tylenol every 4 hours but not more then 5 times in 24 hours, the fever if they get it, shouldn't last long, and where they get their shots are red, it's okay, it will go away with in 12-24 hours, they may be fussy, want to cuddle more"

Kamala- "it's okay Lexie, I know you don't like this but you need this to stay healthy just like Bella got her shot, I know what you want as soon as your checkup is done I will feed you I know what your looking at, thanks we will give them extra cuddles today"

Dr Robbins gives Lexie her shot and Lexie starts crying, " Lexie is healthy, I will see them both in a month for their 2 month checkup and they will each need 6 shots that day."

Kamala- "my babies are growing up so fast please slow down"

Dr. Robbins- " we are all done, Lexie and Bella did very well at their checkup, I will see them in a month"

Kamala- "I will make their appointment when we leave"

Dr. Robbins leaves 

Doug notices Kamala is about to start crying and wraps an arm around her. "Baby are you okay?" he whispers.

Kamala-"They're growing up so fast, I wish they could stay babies forever."

Doug- "they are still babies, just growing up, which is what we want, they still need us aww my girls are down huh? What can daddy do to comfort his girls and he gives cuddles and he gives all 3 of them a kiss it will be a while before that happens, but we knew this was going to happen, let's enjoy them while they are still really little, they will always need us"

Kamala sniffles and wipes her tears away. "You always know the right things to say yes we all need extra cuddles and I want some ice cream and german chocolate cake"

Doug- "Well of course baby. Whatever my girl's want, my girl's get no matter

how much it costs, I want to see that beautiful smile and let's dry these tears"

Kamala- "Dougie your the best hubby & the best daddy ever" she gives Doug a kiss

Doug- "And you are the most amazing wife and mommy" He gives Kamala a kiss

Kamala gets Lexie dressed and she buckles her in her carrier, Dougie, I think we have everything."

Kamala- "aww thanks Honey, let me make their appointment for their 2 month checkup then we can leave"

Doug- "okay"

Doug- "okay, your phone is ringing, it's Maya"

Kamala- "Hey Maya"

Maya- "Hey, I know Bella and Lexie had their checkup today, and I'm off today, I remember how Meena was when she got her 1 month baby shots, she was really fussy, and just wanted lots of cuddles, same with Leela and Amara, I made us lunch, I made a big greek salad with chicken in it, and for dessert, I brought your favorite ice cream as well"

Kamala- "thanks Maya, Reeses pieces ice cream?"

Maya- "yes, it's in the freezer, and so is a surprise from Doug, is also in the freezer"

Kamala- "we will be home soon, I have to make Lexie and Bella's 2 month well baby visit"

Maya- "okay, see you soon bye"

Kamala hangs up with Maya "Dougie, Maya said there's a surprise for me at home"

Doug- "yes there is I know you had a hard morning, and I ordered something for you, and I asked Maya to pick it up for me"

Kamala gives Doug a kiss, "let's go home, I have to make their appointment for their 2 month well baby visit then we will go home"

Kamala has Bella's carseat and the diaper bag, and Doug has Lexie's carseat

Kamala makes Bella and Lexie's 2 month appointment.

Doug and Kamala leave the doctor's office.

~In the car~

Doug snaps Lexie's car seat into the base and Kamala snaps Bella's car seat into the base and then she gets into the front seat and buckles her seat belt, and Doug gets in and buckles his seat belt and he drives home.

~15 minutes later~

Maya is looking out the window and she sees Doug come into the drive way, and she gets the cake out of the freezer and puts it on a plate on the kitchen table, and sets the table for lunch.

Kamala and Doug come into the family room, she has Lexie's car seat, and the diaper bag, and Doug has Bella's car seat. He puts them both of the coffee table.

Kamala sees the chocolate cake and ice cream on the table

Kamala sees the chocolate cake and ice cream on the table

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